originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Level 32 hunter Level 27 warlock Level 28 Titan Looking to do VOG and or crota :p GT:Zymfreak
Need a full Fireteam for normal or hard VOG. Been through a couple of times. Will be at the tower 10:30 PST. I've got a level 31 Warlock ready to go and will bring a mostly upgraded Gjallahorn. Tag: Grizzlygogo
VOG. Hard mode. Fresh start. Need 3 more. Msg on Xbox for invite. GT same as above ^^
Fresh normal Crota's End, 31+ GT: SlipKnot2911
Vog hard templar cp looking for 4
32 Warlock Looking for Fresh Hard VOG GT Zacktwo
Crota CP Normal. Message REACH CARTER. Need at least one guy with gally please mention if you have it. Level 31+ only.
Looking for a Hard crota or hard atheon checkpoint lvl 32 warlock titan and hunter max jelly can be swordbarrer. Lots of experience! message or inv DHG Voodoo TILT
Looking for a Hard crota or hard atheon checkpoint lvl 32 warlock titan and hunter max jelly can be swordbarrer. Lots of experience! message or inv DHG Voodoo TILT
I need a team for crota hard I have crota cp message for invite
Normal Crota Cp Need 5 31+ Experienced Message D3RPster for invite
32 Hunter lf hard Croata cp I have gally maxed I am not sword bearer, gt same, hit me up if you need someone I'm watching YouTube so I will have to get on the game
Starting a fresh Crotas End run on normal Levels 30-32 only please Message GT: Jeff Saturday for an invite
32 lock looking to run vog fresh on hard get same as name
Doing VoG hard mode on from gatekeeper on Xbox 360 message gt: Zomba King
Need three non plebs for a quick fresh hard crota, or more.. ;). Of course you need a mic and 331 tracking rockets, Hoc or Gally is preferred :') Message me on 360 to join us. GT: Kittens Shadow P.S don't be a douchenozzler.
Need three non plebs for a quick fresh hard crota, or more.. ;). Of course you need a mic and 331 tracking rockets, Hoc or Gally is preferred :') Message me on 360 to join us. GT: Kittens Shadow P.S don't be a douchenozzler.
Need 3 for crota cp on hard gt same as name
Doing hard atheon aks 4 invite nothing required as long as you know what to do
Need two for fresh VOG on hard
Fresh normal crota gt same as above message for invite
Need 2 hard deathsinger cp 32 only must have tracking rockets gt same as above
Looking for 3 more for hard fresh crota message me on Xbox for invite
Looking for 3 more for hard fresh crota message me on Xbox for invite
31 hunter and 31 Titan looking to run vog hard fresh get same as name
Need two for Atheon on hard