originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need two for Atheon on hard
Normal crota cp swordbearer needed gt is above
Fresh crota normal 3 open slots message for invite
Need 1 more for atheon hard cp
Looking to join vog hard oracle cp Or Starting vog hard fresh Gt Irish misfit
Crota hard fresh start. Know what your doing and not try to boss us around like we don't know anything. Message me if you want a invite. GT same as above.
4 32's looking for 2 more [b][u]experienced guardians[/u][/b] for hard VOG Templar CP Interested? Msg me on ze xbox! GT: MisfitMunster Hurry cause this will fill up quick, everyone wants dat fate bringer ;)
Need 5 for Crota's End on normal, fresh. Message FortyTwo42 for an invite.
Calling all guardians! 32 titan + 31 looking 4 hard vog! Have atheon cp or looking for fresh / teplar cp message suicidalxjesus
32 Titan hosting fresh hard Crota run! Msg me for inv! Gt same as above! 31+ with experience msg me for inv! Need a swordbearer
Need 2 more for VoG normal fresh, message the Dizruptor for invite.
Crota hard cp need four 32s if possible Message for invite gt same as ^
Need 3 for fresh crota hard
Need a sword bearer Crota Cp Normal with a mic and experience 30+ msg me for inv gt same as name
Edited by ExuseMyKarisma: 4/24/2015 5:10:13 AMTrying to do the nightfall. Message gt above if u wanna join
32 warlock hosting fresh hard vog raid. Message for invite, 30+
Need 4 30+ (including swordbearer) for crota bridge cp normal must have tracking rockets gt same
Nightfall Level 30+ Message me in game for inv Gt above
Crota hard fresh gt above
Nightfall Level 30+ Message me in game for inv Gt above
Need 5 31+ for hard crota cp. Message for invite. Must have tracking rocket. Need. Sword bearer.
Need 3 for fresh crota run on hard, have swordbearer just need rockets...msg Jontlet for inv
32 warlock with g horn have Crota cp need 5 gt is the same
Need 5 30+ (including swordbearer) for crota bridge cp normal must have tracking rockets gt same
Need 2 for nightfall GT: BrentRF