originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 2 for nightfall GT: BrentRF
Lvl 30 Hunter /w hunger Lfg Crota normal. Fresh or bridge cp preferably. I can run darkness solo. Inv please
Need 4 more 30+ to run VoG on norm fresh! :D
Looking to run fresh crota on normal msg hwskft
VOG HARD FRESH. Message vA Mark Av for an invite.
VOG ON NORMAL 27+ Fresh Start GT: Static Perzuh
Level 32 looking to join a team for a hard crota. Gt same as above.
Need people 30+ for vog hard atheon checkpoint msg for inv gt is Forzania
Need 1 for nf gt above
I have Crota cp on normal I need people to kill him for me because I am to low of a level if u want to help message SniperPenguin63 Thanks in advance
Fresh crota hard raid 32 hunter plz Lv 32 only need full team
Vog hard message name above
Fresh crota normal
Crota end fresh start need 4 more people lvl 31+ need good sword barer. Msg me same gt as above.
Need people for nightfall I'm a 29 but I have exp gt is same send a message for invite
Need people 30+ for vog hard atheon checkpoint msg for inv gt is Forzania
Need 2 people for a fresh hard crota raid. Message for an invite
Need 2 for nightfall gt above
Normal crota bridge CP. Need 1 more. Msg for invite.
hard crota checkpoint. I am a 32 Titan with max Ghorn. Must have good rockets, experience, and 31+ message for invite
Need people 30+ for vog hard atheon checkpoint msg for inv gt is Forzania
Need two for normal fresh Crota message Delux Shock for inv
Crota hard check point gt same 360 Mic gallahorn plz
Lv 32 hunter with gjallarhorn. Inv me to Crota hard fresh.
Crotas end on normal crota cp message me for invite gt same as name 30+ only
Crota normal bridge cp Msg me for invite Gamertag is PleasantMars50