originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Crota normal bridge cp Msg me for invite Gamertag is PleasantMars50
Need 2 for gakekeeper hard gt above
Want to do crota on hard, lvl 31 titan, ive beaten it before, inv killbrass
Need 5 atheon hard cp 31+ gt same
Doing vault of glass hard Templar conflux checkpoint msg for invite gt same as above
VoG Hard Fresh. Level 30+. Message REACH CARTER for an invite
Edited by Guardian3991: 4/23/2015 11:05:53 PMDoing Crota on normal Fresh Looking for 4 more 31+ with experience Gt: Xaedas
Starting or looking for a fresh crota hard raid. im lvl 31 with maxed ghalli, HOC and im experienced in mostly everything but sword and trying to get on top of tower.
Need 1 for Crota hard cp msg for invite
CE on normal, fresh lvl 31+ and experienced, message gt above for inv
Need team for hard Templar cp message for invite 31+ need expirenced
Need 2 for hard atheon cp msg me for inv
Need 2 for vog normal cp oracles msg for inv gt talmaxs
Need 4 for vog normal cp oracles msg for inv gt talmaxs
Atheon checkpoint hard VOG. Message me for invite same as above.
Looking to do VoG hard or normal not bothered which inv Cryptil UK
Need 4 for hard fresh VOG GT same as name
1 more for hard VoG oracle cp Gt balist1c
Need 4 more lv30+ for Fresh Hard VoG msg GT : L3000sw for inv
Need a sword runner for hard crota fresh start gt smae as above[/quote]
Need 2 32 and a sword runner for hard crota fresh start need gally or hunger maxxed. Gt same as above
Can you some on please give me templet and help kill him please I have one friend at the moment or u can just give me the CP. Please I need fatebringer
Hard crota looking to do a crota checkpoint! I DO NOT HAVE THE CHECKPOINT So someone else will need it Must be 32 Message me in game for an invite
Looking for vog normal hunter 32 gt talmaxs inv me
Hard atheon cp Need 5 Gt same as above
Doing fresh hard vog 31+ msg for inv gt same as above