originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Doing fresh hard vog 31+ msg for inv gt same as above
Running crota normal fresh (quickly) and then hard need 5 im a 32 and can sword also send a message to gt above ^^^
Lvl 32 warlock max gally, need 5 for crota cp hard
Need 30s for Fresh Hard VOG. Please have good maxed weapons, experience and a mic. Msg in game for invite. Gt : MateFeedKill8
Running vog normal (fresh) need 3 if u down message me for invt... Gt above
Vog hard 30+ message CosMixBroNies for inv
[quote]Need 3 more for hard death singer gt same as above message for inv[/quote]
Lv 32 Hunter, Titan OR Warlock looking for Hard Crota or Ir Yut. 40 Hard Crota Kills Can Swordbear Gt: Hawaiian of vb
5 needed for deathsinger cp on hard mode msg for inv 1 sword bearer plez ..... hurry i fill fast
VoG fresh hard 30+ nm Msg KryptonicRhino
Lvl 32 looking for fresh VoG HARD, x360, GT; Dual1ty HQ
32 lock looking for either crota normal or hard. Message same as above.
Hosting Fresh norm vog. Msg JDI96 for inv
Need 3 for gatekeeper cp hard. Msg grendelpoots for invite
Starting fresh vog hard need 4 more 30+ no squeakers
Level 31 Titan looking to do VOG hard gt is same as above message me if you have room
Need team to do normal Crota also need swordbearer. Msg me for invite
vog hard gatekeeper cp 30+ gt MexicanMedina
Hard Crota check point. Level 32 only. Tracking rockets only (ghorn preferred) message me gt the same as above. Also need sword barer (I prefer a hunter with blade-dancer).
Doing fresh vog on norm. MSG DOME RipTide for an invite.
NEED 2 FOR CROTA HARD DEATHSINGERS CP SWORD CARRIER for defeating crota needed 31+ Ghorn/hoc Gamertag same as above^^^
Need 2 Crota hard death singer check point. Be 31+ and experienced need sword bearer Gt hotboxparadox
Hard Crota Cp Need 5 31+ SWORDbearer needed! Msg for invite
Lvl 32 swordbearer with hard Crota cp 32's with ghorn msg for inv
32 Hunter looking to run sword on normal or hard Crota/Deathsinger cp. Gt same, msg me for an invite.
Need 5 for fresh hard crota -must be 31+ -must have exp -need at least 1 Titan Msg- vl TNT lv