originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 5 for fresh hard crota -must be 31+ -must have exp -need at least 1 Titan Msg- vl TNT lv
Need full team of 5 including sword bearer for Crota hard Crota CP level 32's please. Message for invite. Gt same as above.
[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 hard I'm 28 helpe
Normal gatekeeper cp msg for invite need 2
32 Hunter looking to run sword on normal or hard Crota/Deathsinger cp. Gt same, msg me for an invite.
crota hard cp with ghorn or tracking or can be swordbearer GT: Si Tactics
Need 3 for Vog hard fresh Gt:sledge world 49 For invite
Crota hard cp need 2 people 32 only gamer tag above
Hosting fresh crota normal, msg for inv in game 31+
Starting a hard crota on fresh must be level 32+ with experience msg jquack96 for invite.
Need 3 for hard crota cp msg me 31+
Lvl 27 w/ gal and Lvl 30 w/ vex trying normal VoG normal fresh invite dabtologist or the poster gt
VOG normal Atheon CP must be lvl 30+ Must know how to use relic GT is the same
Need 3 for fresh normal crota message me for an invite same as name
have a Crota Hard Checkpoint on Deathsinger message me for an invite my gamertag is TwistedFuzion
Need 5 30+ For VoG Hard Atheon Checkpoint
CROTA HARD message for inv
VOG normal Atheon CP must be lvl 30+ Must know how to use relic GT is the same
Looking for crota hard msg me and I'll join. Has to be crota checkpoint
Doing vog normal msg for invite
Lvl 27 with gally and 30 with vex and max icebreaker trying to run vault normal fresh invite dabtologist
Bored and maxed out characters, just wanting to play anything for fun :) invite name above
Edited by The Last Word: 4/23/2015 12:50:20 AMHosting vog hard gorgon chest until someone gets an exotic msg XxxdragonxxX0
Need 4 lvl 32 for VOG hard mode fresh message for inv my gt is as above
Need 3+ for (HARD/FRESH) VoG Must be LVL 30+.* Must have a mic.* Message GT: DraYzey for invite.
Hard Crota FRESH. Level 32 only. Tracking rockets only (ghorn preferred) message me gt the same as above.