originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Hard Crota FRESH. Level 32 only. Tracking rockets only (ghorn preferred) message me gt the same as above.
Xbox 360 Gt: Emirpsumacraps Class/Lvl: Hunter Gunslinger 26 A newbie here when it comes to the raid. Never done it. Seen it via twitch, but haven't done it. Would love the opportunity to at least try it. Eastern time zone. Playtime would be after 8pm. Msg me. Oh and I do not have a mic. Will hear everything through my tv though. Anyone have a group of friends or would like to carry me essentially for my first go around? Gotta dip my foot in before I take the plunge. Please and thank you.
Crota normal cp must be 31+ and have a good rocket msg Favorite Bird on 360 for invite
Looking for Templar hard cp. Or fresh. Inv casual drastic
Normal crota Deathsinger CP 31+ Need 3 Need swordbearer Gt same as above msg for inv
Crota normal cp msg Favorite Bird on 360 for invite
Have normal Atheon cp gt is assistedabyss50 msg for inv.31+
Need 3 people for Fresh Normal Crota. Msg WUZ UP 7
Doing hard crota need 1 last cp msg GT same as above
fresh Crota normal lvl 31+ Msg OG Jxson for inv
need 4 30+ for fresh crota. msg for invite must have mics. need a swordbearer.
Crota normal deathsinger checkpoint. Room for 3 need rockets with tracking. Msg for invite
32 hunter Looking for Hard Atheon CP GT: OM ReMiiXzZ Inv if you got space
31 Warlock with maxed fate bringer and icebreaker looking for atheon cp hard.
Crota normal deathsinger checkpoint. Room for 4 need rockets with tracking. Msg for invite
Got gatekeeper cp vog normal mssg D20Tops
Need 3 for Croat hard gt same as above
Fresh crota run on normal lvl32 hunter msg for invite gt same as above
Need 1 for vog hard fresh start. Message gt same as above. People who were in the party before feel free to join again, got booted from my box
32 Hunter looking for fresh Crota normal. Got max icebreaker and ghorn. Gt is same.
Need 30s for Hard VOG. Please have good maxed weapons and experience. Msg in game for invite. Gt : MateFeedKill8
Edited by Hotdog Water Slurps: 4/22/2015 5:20:55 PMGt Nicejokesmdk. Looking for help with nightfall and also looking to start or join a fire team of 6 to raid with. Invite or join me.
Need 2 for vog conflux checkpoint
32 Titan hosting fresh norm Crota run 30+ must have mic msg GT above for inv
Lf fresh normal crota invite me gt: charlieking13 level 32 hunter with ice breaker and hunger of crota. Mic busted but I no what I'm doing
Need 4 for Crota normal fresh