originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need a 32 with ghally for crota cp exp players here
Lvl 32 looking for fresh VoG HARD, x360, GT; Dual1ty HQ
Need Swordbearer for Hard Crota Cp. Experienced only please. Msg in game for invite. Gt : MateFeedKill8
Atheon on hard. Need 3 30+. Gamertag above.
Need 4 for Crota cp hard Level 32 only Gt: same as above
Looking to join vog hard cp. 32 warlock. Max gjally
32 experienced titan looking to do crota fresh the difficulty doesn't matter to me. Send msg or invite to gamertag above. Happy raiding!
Need 5 players including swordbearer for fresh normal crotas end. Msg gt ^^^
Need 3 32s for deathsinger hard. Message NTmaniac897 for invite
Need 5 32s for deathsinger hard including a swordbearer. Message NTmaniac897 with level and if you're a swordbearer.
The New Erra clan is now recruiting. We currently have 20 members but would like more! We're all about helping each other with raids, nightfalls, weeklys, dailys, PVP, etc... If you're interested in us send me a private message or message me on the 360 GT: iDeeeeeks OG
Fresh Hard VoG 30+ message for invite
Need 3 for normal fresh Crota msg in game
Need 32s for Fresh Hard Crota. Must have either Gjallarhorn or Hunger of Crota, good maxed weapons, experience and a mic. Msg in game for invite. Gt : MateFeedKill8
Fresh VoG need 1 more
need 2 30+ need a swordbearer on death singer cp. must have mic msg for invite.
VOG hard Templar cp. gt same as above.
Crota hard fresh msg same gt for inv
Need 5 for fresh VOG on hard gt is mob Ibn
Fresh Crota hard 32 only must have hoc or gally and need sword bearer message me for inv.
Need 1 for crota I have crota cp GT same as above
Need 2 30+ for nightfall GT same as here
Need 4 lvl 31+ to do Hard VoG Gatekeeper Cp message me for a invite GT: Zyr0h
Need 4 for crota I have crota cp GT same as above
Need people 30+ for vog hard msg for inv gt is Forzania
Need two for gatekeeper normal message for invite