originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 3 more for fresh normal crota Msg TKA Beans for invite
Looking for vog hard hunter 32 gt talmaxs inv me
Level 31 Titan, looking for normal death singer or Crota checkpoint GT: PictoHD
Crota normal fresh. gt elmo is og
Bro vog fresh normal hurry the f up 29+
Need a team of 32's for fresh hard Crota and a great sword bearer would be nice. GT Emacryan.
Doing vog fresh normal lvl 30+ Message me in 360 for inv Shazam Swagger
Need 4 hard crota cp gt same as above
[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)[/quote] Normal fresh crota msg me for inv gt same as above 30+ tracking rockets only
Normal crota fresh msg Anunymau5
Crota norm need 2 more persons rocket launcher required
Looking for 32's for fresh Crota, hard mode. Please be experienced and have mic. Message BLTrev on 360 for invite.
We need 3 people for hard deathsinger cp message ErZa Turnz for a invite
Looking for two 31+ at Gatekeeper hard CP Message BLTrev for inv please be experienced and have mic
VoG Hard, Fresh run. Please be 31+, experienced and have mic. Message BLTrev on 360 for inv.
Need 2 hard crota fresh gt same as above
Fresh hard crota-32's only message MrsLoonyPenguin for inv
Crota Hard fresh. I'm a level 32 Hunter with maxed Gjallarhorn. Message on Xbox for invite. Gamer tag: RiceHarvester
Vault of glass hard fresh message Shw4rl3y for invite for invite
Fresh Crota Normal. I'm a level 32 Hunter with maxed Gjallarhorn. Message me on Xbox for invite. Gamer tag: RiceHarvester
Hard vog 30+ gatekeeper
Looking to join a hard crota 32 warlock mac hunger of crota first time so just looking to join hard crota cp
Fresh hard crota-32's only message MrsLoonyPenguin for inv
Doing VOG HARD message for invite gt same as above need a mic and be experienced
Looking for hard VOG on 360 from start of Templar! Send me message on xbox tonylew1982 if u got space!
Crota bridge cp msg for invite gt same as name Xbox 360