originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Crota bridge cp msg for invite gt same as name Xbox 360
Need two for nightfall msg dannycraig85
Need 2 for night fall
Looking for gorgon cp on hard get is mob Ibn
Hosting fresh vog hm be experienced msg ASimpleMark for invite
32 Warlock with maxed Gjallarhorn looking for Fresh Normal Crota. Tons of experience, mic, and maxed weapons. Inv in game please.
Looking to do Croats fresh 3 times I have 3 32s one of each character Max Jellyhorn & I'm a very experienced sword bearer. MSG (Scruby Dew)
31 Titan looking for a group to run Crota fresh on normal after reset. I have a max gally and loads of experience, I have two other 32's. Gt same as username.
I need to do Crota raid 3 times on normal before reset. Need at least 2 others to join. Please be experienced and at least a 31+. Msg KCR1SPY on 360 for invite.
Looking to do nightfall lvl 32 hunter with maxed arc weapons and galley invite Lilmichael406. Or message me for invite I'm in nightfall right meow
Crota hard final checkpoint need 4 and sword bearer level 31+ and ghorn please message kujo the swiss for invite
Crota hard cp need 4 plus sword bearer. Tracking rockets 31 + Gt above
Hosting Crota CP hard. I am level 31, I need a team of 5 level 32's including swordbearer. I want to get this done. Message me for invite. Gt same as above.
Got a normal gatekeeper cp I'm helping my lvl 24 friend msg Favorite Bird on 360 for invite
Got a normal gatekeeper cp I'm helping my lvl 24 friend msg Favorite Bird on 360 for invite
Got a normal gatekeeper cp I'm helping my lvl 24 friend msg Favorite Bird on 360 for invite
Vog hard mode fresh message gt: Cnok26 for invite
Got a normal gatekeeper cp I'm helping my lvl 24 friend msg Favorite Bird on 360 for invite
Need 2 for Hard Crota cp. if interested, msg for inv Tell me your class, lvl & rocket GT: same
Atheon cp VoG need 3 guardians. 10pm mtn standard time. Message for invite. Must be 30+ gt same as above.
Will help with any normal raid im a level 29 Hunter experienced with mic gt same as above
Vog hard mode fresh message gt: Cnok26 for invite
Fresh crota hard
Hosting xyor bounty gt same as above
Crota hard death singer cp lv 32 only gt is my name
Need 2 for VOG normal ATHEON checkpoint 27+ Msg me for invite Gt same as above