originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 2 for VOG normal ATHEON checkpoint 27+ Msg me for invite Gt same as above
Crota cp normal need 5 lvl 30+
Doing vault Vault of glass on hard difficulty Templar checkpoint lvl 30+ Xbox 360 ONLY!! Gamertag: MC Buckweed 17 Send me a message for invite
Need 4 lvl 31+ to do Hard VoG Atheon CP message me for a invite GT: Zyr0h
Normal Crota cp. I'm swordbearer. GT same as above. 30+ only.
Does anyone have exotic chest on Vog
Hard Templar cp.. Playing on my second character (29) and experienced.. Looking for members including relic holder preferably level 30+.
VOG normal Atheon CP must be lvl 30+ Must know how to use relic GT is the same
In one hour I'm running VOG hard fresh and Crota hard final checkpoint 30+ experienced people please and in need of sword bearer and gallys need 4 people message kujo the swiss for invite 360
Looking for 3 VOG hard fresh Gt- Beyond Rouge
Looking for 4 for VOG fresh hard GT- Beyond Rouge
VOG HARD ATHEON CP 30+ Msg Kawaii Overlord for inv
Normal VOG fresh be 27 + message me for invite gt same as above
Lvl 28 defender with icebreaker and vex with Atheon cp message dabtologist for invite
Need team for hard Templar 31+ need to be expirenced message for invite
Crota hard fresh 31+
Need 2 more for crota normal gt guardianchicken
Edited by Stay Nubsty: 4/20/2015 9:56:23 PMCrotas end cp hard lvl 32 gally or hunger ***maxed*** Message:Ninja 44 Xx
Need 4 for vog normal Templar cp. gt same
Need 2 for ce fresh normal. GT Emacryan. Message me for inv.
Need 4 for vog hard fresh gt same
Need 4 for hard Templar cp msg 30+ msg for inv gt same as above
VOG hard gatekeeper message DOGRUMPCREEK For invite LVL 30+ ONLY
Need 4 for normal bridge. Message me gt the same
Need people 30+ for vog hard msg for inv gt is Forzania
Need 4 for vog hard fresh