originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 4 for vog hard fresh
atheon hard cp exp preferred
Need 2 32s for hard crota cp. a swordbearer would be nice but not exactly needed Mssge TGI ICE
Atheon cp hard mode. gt EP1K M0NK3Y
Edited by Emacryan: 4/20/2015 9:04:09 PMNeed a team of 32's and a professional sword bearer for hard Crota checkpoint. GT Emacryan. Message me for inv. Please be 32.
At atheon for vog normal
Vog normal. 30+ with experience. Message gt: TheRogueRaven for inv
Need people 30+ for vog hard msg for inv gt is Forzania
Hard CROTA CP 32 only. Need distraction and sword bearer. Must have a mic . Same as above. Xbox 360
LF for 4 guardians for hard fresh VoG message me for invite you lovely guardians
Need 5 ppl for hard death singer 32s only. Mssge TGI ICE for invite. I have a hard death singer on 2 of my 32s and CROTA on another 32 so Mssge if u want to do multiple runs
Lv 32 Titan looking to do deathsinger cp on any difficulty
Looking to join Crota cp hard or normal GT: BrentRF
Need a couple for Crota cp on hard, msg above gt.
Level 31 hunter looking for hard crota CP or hard Atheon CP , I have a maxed HOC ... GT danthedevil invite me
Looking to help do normal atheon. I have two level 32 hunters, and maxed out ghorn. My gt is same as above. I would like to help with cp though.
Fresh VoG on Hard. Need lvl 32s with OP Snipers: Blackhammer/Icebreaker. Must have a microphone and experience. msg BONESLOP or XRAXSPOKENBEAST
Lf 3 more people for HM crota cp. Msg:MLGpeanutbutter. (Must have a good rocket launcher,not that one way tickler man)
Hard VOG Templar checkpoint. Message for invite. 30+. Must have good weapons.
Looking for vog hard team 31 titan gt is same
Need two for VOG hard Atheon cp get is mob Ibn
Looking to join Crota normal cp GT: BrentRF
Need 2 more gatekeeper vog hard headrush007
Lvl 32 warlock with Gjhallarhorn maxed. Need 5 people for Crota hard FRESH. GT DankAutumn06693 31+ ONLY
VOG normal fresh 29+ room for 1
Atheon cp hard mode. No mic gt EP1K M0NK3Y