originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 2 vog hard atheon cp. Must have experience with relic. Gt same as above
Fresh Crota on Hard. Two lvl 32s looking for at least two more lvl 32 Defender Titans with WoL/BoL for Crota boss battle. Must have mic, tracking rockets, and experience. Msg BONESLOP or XRAXSPOKENBEAST for invite!
Need people 30+ for Crota normal msg for inv gt is Forzania
Need 5 for Crota's End on hard, fresh. Please be level 32. Message FortyTwo42 for an invite.
Need people 28+ for vog normal msg for invite gt is Forzania
Fresh hard vog need 3 31+ gt same as above
Atheon Normal. GT: StealthWolf359. Message "6" for invite.
Hard Crota fresh start 31+ msg for inv
Experienced 32 swordbearer with ghorn looking to do hard crota fast. Invite me
Hard crota cp 31+ ghorn or hoc
Need people 28+ for vog normal msg for invite gt is Forzania
Need people 28+ for vog gorgon maze checkpoint normal msg for invite gt is Forzania
If anyone is willing to help a lvl 30 do crota for the first time please msg alfohhh
NORMAL CROTA CP 31+ 32 swordbearer Must have exp and mic and a tracking launcher Msg xscrublord2000x for inv
Hard Atheon cp message Alex2yfire for invite
Lf 3 for hard Atheon message xXxHunter496xXx for inv
Crota hard fresh start 32s only! Need Titans and a sword barrier
GT-XAceSmasherX Lvl 29 hunter Inv me for vog hard mode Very experienced in vog Thanks for the invite in advanced
Crota hard fresh start Gamertag: GhostySea
NORMAL CROTA CP 31+ 32 swordbearer Must have exp and mic and a tracking launcher Msg xscrublord2000x for inv
Need 5 more for normal Crota cp Must be level 30+ and experienced Gt same, msg me for an invite.
Need 4 hard gatekeeper cp
Message me for Crota or VOG any cp 32 hunter with max ghorn Gt: by Router
Hard crota cp 32+ message Razorfan67 for inv
Hard Croat bridge cp lv 32 gt is my name