originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Hard Croat bridge cp lv 32 gt is my name
Need 4 hard gatekeeper cp
Need 2 for atheon cp hard mode msg Saturns Gravity for inv
Need 1 4 crota
Need 3 level 32 for Crota on hard Crota cp. Gt same as above message for inv. Preferably a titan
[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)[/quote] Normal Crota My gt is jordanfeghali
At gatekeeper hard ThinkRocket
Need people 28+ for vog normal msg for invite gt is Forzania
Hosting fresh vog hm be experienced msg ASimpleMark for invite
Need people 28+ for vog normal msg for invite gt is Forzania
need 4 for normal crota cp. msg FlyingSheepz for inv
Vog fresh run normal need 3 message gt HunterOfAngels for inv
Fresh vog normal message 4 invite
Gigan562 - lvl 30 titan looking for raid group
Need 3 32s for Crota cp on hard Must have a Gjallarhorn maxed or any other maxed tracking rockets Msg laserguy5000 for an invite
Fresh vog normal message 4 invite
Doing fresh normal Crota need 4 level 31+ must have hunger of Crota or Ghorn or Ice Breaker message me for inv GT: Legenary Fusion
Xbox 360 Crota Hard Cp Need 4 more 32's and Sword Bearer Experienced players only GT-Faded Fantazy
Hosting hardmode crota fresh allready have 2 (im swordbearer) msg for inv hav hunger or gally 32 only
Need 2 for VoG hard Atheon cp on 360 lvl 30+ msg for inv gt is same
Crota Checkpoint Normal, want tracking rockets, 31+, message me at SILOAMSLAYTER
Gatekeeper cp on hard. 30+ message for invite.
Deathsingers cp in game now Need 3 more experienced for normal deathsinger/crota Need a swordbearer Must have ghorn Message proximacent4uri on x360 for invite asap
Need 4 for Deathsinger normal, 31's only. Need a someone to use sword, Message me: HShadow3456 for invite
VOG normal from start msg for inv include level. Gamer tag same as above. 4 spaces
Need one for NF message for invite GT above