originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need one for NF message for invite GT above
Vog hard 31+ must be experienced
Need 2 for VoG hard gatekeeper cp on 360 lvl 30+ msg for inv gt is same
Need someone with a templar cp on hard msg me got a whole other fireteam
Looking to join Crota cp normal GT: BrentRF I have cp
3 LF 3 VoG Hard Fresh Min Lvl29 GT badadaha Msg for inv
Crota on hard fresh. Level 31+ and experienced message for invite gt same as above
Gatekeeper cp on hard lvl 30+ msg L3M1N for invite
Looking for vog normal Templar checkpoint message me if u have it.
Lvl 31 + Crota CP Normal Gt : xXxTonyBoyxXx
Lvl 31 + Crota CP Normal Gt : xXxTonyBoyxXx
2 32's with Ghorns looking for Hard VoG Oracle cp. Message me if you have it please
Looking to do a fresh hard Crota inv boa579
VOG normal fresh 29+ helpful if you had a mic msg for inv. GT is the same
Need 4 for Templar cp on VoG hard on 360 lvl 30+ msg for inv gt is same
31 Hunter with Ghorn looking for a HARD TEMPLAR CP!!! Gt is same as above.
Need three for hard gatekeeper on 360 gt same 30+
Crota hard fresh 32s only need a sword barrier and Titans gt: rocko1353
Croats end fresh normal mode I want level 31+ Msg me a get for invite
Need 2 more people for Fresh hard mode vog. Message for invite.
Need four for crota hard cp on crota msg ploptart75 for inv
CROTA HARD FRESH 31+ need a distraction and sword bearer just in case. Same as above Xbox 360
Need team for normal crota end deathsinger checkpoint Must be over lvl 29 Have one exotic
CROTA HARD FRESH 31+ need a distraction and sword bearer just in case. Same as above Xbox 360
CROTA HARD FRESH 31+ need a distraction and sword bearer just in case. Same as above Xbox 360