originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
CROTA HARD FRESH 31+ need a distraction and sword bearer just in case. Same as above Xbox 360
Need people 30+ for Crota checkpoint on normal send request gt is Forzania
Hard Crota fresh need people gt is same as name message for invite
Crota Hard Cp on Xbox 360 5 more 32+'s with experience only NO KINDERGUARDIANS (Need Titan and Sword bearer) GT- Faded Fantazy Have Gorgon Chest too if you haven't grabbed it already.
Normal vog fresh need 3 gt same msg for inv
Msg for inv for nightfall
Need 5 crota cp on normal 30+ msg for invite gt same as above
Need people 28+ for vog normal msg for invite gt is Forzania
Starting a fresh Crotas End run on hard Levels 31-32 only please Message GT: Jeff Saturday for an invite
Hard Crota need swordbearer 1
Conflux hard get same as name message me in game for inv
Conflux hard get same as name message me in game for inv
Need two people for nightfall message me on xbox live not on here GT: CYS AstroBoy x
Need people 30+ for Crota checkpoint on normal send request gt is Forzania
Hard vog fresh Need 4 lvl 30+ Message me(gt is same as username) or CaptClaus
32 Titan w gally lf any CE cp Normal or hard Gt AGC Twitch
30 warlock looking to do deathsinger and crota hard only need shards to be 31 and I have max gally
VOG normal lets get it done then we can jump to hard mode first come first serve message me same gamertag
32 titan with hm crota cp, need 4 including swear bear. good rockets and preferably 32. gt same as name
Lvl 31 Titan with max defender class and max Gally looking for Templar cp on hard msg GT: SantiKillsYou msg saying u have cp
We have 5 ppl. Looking for players out there either no experience or with experience to do crota on hard. Msg AnimotoxCLIMAX, or RelaxedPIEman13
Need 32 for Crota. Maxed gally. Best of titan
Death singer normal checkpoint. Message LJE Elite 80 for invite
Need a 32 warlock. Relic experiance
Looking for anyone who has gorgon maze on hard message Wild Dragonz