originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Looking for anyone who has gorgon maze on hard message Wild Dragonz
Need 32s for Hard Crota CP. Must have either maxed Gjallarhorn or Hunger of Crota, good maxed weapons, experience and a mic. Msg in game for invite. Gt : MateFeedKill8
need 1 for gatekeeper normal cp msg zacktwo
Need a swordbearer for crota hard. Message my gt for invite
Fresh Vog hard 30+ with mic gt is DEXXAL
Fresh Vog hard 30+ with mic gt is DEXXAL
Need a team to run through hard Crota with me -must be 31+ -must have exp Msg- vl TNT lv
Need 4 for hard crota. Msg spartanhunter88 for inv
starting fresh normal vog msg zacktwo for inv 30+ preferred
Looking for a team to do hard crota cp with Msg the blob63 for inv
Crota cp on hard lvl 32 must have max gally or hoc msg same gt
We need help with vog normal me and my friend
Crota checkpoint normal. Need two including swordbearer. 32+. Get same as above message for invite
Fresh Vog hard 30+ with mic gt is DEXXAL
Need five for hard crota fresh! Msg me for inv
Templar hard cp msg shade be for inv
Normal Crota Deathsinger CP 31+ Need 3 Need swordbearer Please have experience/mic GT same as above msg for inv
Hard Atheon cp Level 30+
Hosting Crota Cp on hard must have tracking rockets 31+ GT:same as above
3 32's lf any raid
Need 5 lvl 31+ with good rocket launchers and experience to kill death singer an crota on normal at death singer cp message me for an invite my gt is the same as above O
Need 4 more for crota normal, deathsinger cp, gt same as above
32 warlock maxed gally and 32 Titan looking for templarHard gt above
Need 2 for gatekeeper cp on hard. Message DeadlyHamster98 for inv
Looking for Crota normal fresh. Get same as above, level 31
Need 4 AND A SWORDBEARER HARD CROTA CP Please be 32 and have good rockets message Xfallenangls9x for invite!