originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 4 AND A SWORDBEARER HARD CROTA CP Please be 32 and have good rockets message Xfallenangls9x for invite!
Fresh Vog hard 30+ with mic gt is DEXXAL
Looking for Crota normal fresh. Get same as above, level 31
Hard conflux cp get same as name message me in game for inv
Need 5 for Crota cp normal, I am swordbearer, msg for inv
Looking for gatekeeper or atheon on hard I have fatebringer black hammer and gally message me if you have the cp my gt is as above
Vog fresh normal inv 32 titan GT: mskandkbk123
32 hunter sword bearer for hire gt the same
Need 2 lvl 31+ for bridge cp cheese on crota hardmode,please know what your doing,gt same as above.
Realmentalist sry
I will help do any raid i can do both relics im a 32 hunter and my gamertag is rralmentalist
Crotas cp on hard need sword bearer message me for invite gt same as name must have mic 32 only!!!
Level 30 Warlock and level 31 Hunter looking for Vault of Glass either mode, fresh start preferred. Gamertags are as follow: Warlock: itzaCartoooooon Hunter: FilthCauldron
Need three for fresh Crotas end on hard 32's only must have galley
Crotas cp on hard need sword bearer message me for invite gt same as name must have mic 32 only!!!
Need 4 for Templar Checkpoint hard msg Troqhie for inv
[quote]Corta Normal cp Need 3 people Must have Gally/hunger of corta maked 31+ Message for invite Gt aero twisst[/quote]
Looking for level 32 Sword, currently on Hard Deathsinger. Message The Dorky Dingo.
Need 32s for Fresh Hard Crota. Must have either maxed Gjallarhorn or Hunger of Crota, good maxed weapons, experience and a mic. Msg in game for invite. Gt : MateFeedKill8
Need 1 for hard crota cp
Need 5 for gatekeeper on hard, msg for inv
Need 5 for fresh hard VOG can backpack new people as long as you have mic GT same as above
Hard VOG oracle cp need 5 gt same as name 29+
Need four for crota hard cp on crota msg ploptart75 for inv
Need some 32's for hard Crota CP. GT Emacryan message me for inv.
Need two for vog hard mode msg for invite