originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need two for vog hard mode msg for invite
I need 3 30+ for Death Singer normal
Hosting fresh VoG hard on 360 lvl 30+ msg for inv
Need 3,for crota normal
Looking for 5 willing to help a 25 Titan to do vog message aAawarrior76
Need some 32's for hard Crota CP. GT Emacryan message me for inv.
Need 4 for fresh start Crota. We are 2 32s with experience and a sword bearer, just looking to make things easier. Msg LonelyHamster for invite
32 that can help with crota i am a sword bearer with max g horn
Need a swordbearer for crota hard. Message for invite
Need 4 for fresh crotas end message redcorn95 for invite
Crota fresh on normal. 30+ message for invite. Need swordbearer also.
Fresh crotas end im,lvl 31 gt is,sane,as above
Need 5 for fresh normal crota I can backpack new people too GT same as above
I have 3 31s looking for normal Crotas end or hard VoG. We are all experienced.
need [b]FOUR 32's[/b] for [b]HARD CROTA FRESH[/b]. Need a [b]SWORD BEARER[/b]. Must be [b]experienced[/b]. Must have a [b]MAX GALLY IR HOC[/b]. MSG AlbiNo Ant for invite!
Doing atheon cp On hard Massage me for inv
Fresh Crota hard need 5 and SB
CROTA HM 32 Warlock with Deathsinger CP or 32 Hunter for fresh run Also, have 30 Titan willing to run VOG or Crota on. Message me with same GT
Fresh vog hard experienced players wanted.
Need 3 30+ for norm crota cp Must have mic and exp Must have tracking rocket Msg gt^
Doing atheon On hard massage me for inv
Need 3 more and a sword bearer for hard crota cp. 32 only.
Looking for 5 for a fresh hard vog. 30+ wanted
Need 32 sword bearer got 5 would have full team when you join. Already at Crota on hard mssg gt above for invite
Need 3 for VOG NORMAL. Must have mic. Msg GT for invite.
Need 4 for hard VOG conflux cp Message me for invite