originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Lvl 32 hunter looking for crota normal or hard will be sword runner gt is name
Lvl 32 hunter looking for crota normal will be sword runner gt is name
If anyone needs a swordbearer just invite The 4g. Hard or normal.
We have 2 lvl 32 in my fireteam, Anyone that needs help on any raids just pm EdzGlenn18
Need 4 for bridge cp hard. Message S N O W LM A N.
Need two for Crota normal Either a swordbarrer or someone with a gallahorn (or however the eff you spell it) GT same as above
Need 4 for bridge cp hard. Message S N O W LM A N.
Level 32 hunter looking for Hard modes No mic due to skyping but will talk later in raid Know game plan and cheses for both raids Very experianced Can swordbear but can't be trusted to be good Maxed Hunger Can run relic on templar also gatekeepers Gt: xMr Derps Alot
Need 3 for for fresh Hard VOG Message me for invite
Need 4 for VoG on normal fresh start 26+ I don't mind helping noobs out just message me GT karrick250 I'm a lvl 31 warlock
Looking to joun Crota norm fresh GT: TIMMMEYYYY 31 titan
Need 4 VoG hard frsh must have mic 30+ msg GT above for inv
Looking to join crota normal gt same as above
Hard Crota cp at deathsinger. Msg gt for inv
Crota hard cp, must be 31+ and have good rocket launcher. Need 5 or willing to join someone's game. Gt is same as username
If anyone's doing crota on normal send me an invite. Gt is the same
Crota fresh normal level 31+ message me for invite same gt
Wanna run some VOG like a boss. Bored and need a team gt the same
Looking to join fresh hard vog gt:Gpopmcgooster
Need 3 more for VoG hard mode fresh (or Templar if you have a checkpoint :D) message The Dizruptor for invite or message on here since I dunno if Xbox live messages are working...
Hosting Crota Cp on hard must have tracking rockets 31+ GT:same as above
I'm a lvl 32 Hunter who is here to swordbearer for people who need one don't invite me if you need me as a shooter I can kill crota in 2 swords if needed and if you can
Hosting Crota Cp on hard must have tracking rockets 31+ GT:same as above
Looking for 5 to do vog gatekeeper cp on hard, lvl 32 hunter. Gt same as name
Level 32warlock with maxed gally looking to do hard VoG
Want to do Vog Gt VEGETAMILT