originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Want to do Vog Gt VEGETAMILT
Need help with Atheon's throne Gt - PixelSAOKirit0
32 hunter looking for fresh hard crota, I have ghorn and experience running sword. Gt same as above
32 hunter who can be swordbearer or not i have max ghorn Looking for normal crota cp
Level 32 hunter, Titan and warlock with Gally looking for hard deathsinger CP (and will do crota as well) or hard atheon checkpoint. Message gt above with party invite!
Need 4 30+ for HARD VOG Templar cp. Pls have mic, experience, & KNOW HOW TO USE RELIC. Thanks! Send message to gt same as above^^^
Level 32 looking to help kill crota or atheon (difficulty doesn't matter) message vVDemonRisingVv
Level 32 hunter looking to be swordbearer. I'm good at it. Maxed hunger aswell. Gt same as name. Inc me I'm here to help
Hey there! I have the Gatekeeper Checkpoint in VoG normal, looking for a whole team here message through xbox please! Preferably no one under 26-27 but exceptions can be made. I have a mic, please have one too, thank you!
Exp swordbearer that can get Crota down in 2 swords looking for Crota cp normal msg me an invite
Hard crota cp need 5 and swordbear Gt same
Fresh vog normal message for invite
I am a 32 warlock Doing fresh vog on hard run. Looking for 4 players lvl 30+ with experience. Gamer tag same as above msg got inv
My clan is currently recruiting new members. If you would like to join click the name in my profile. We are nice and friendly. We have multiple swordbearers and people who have gally. We raid weekly and have fun or talk about stuff. I hope you will join our clan or at least consider. Thx bye
Edited by WinTerIsComi1NG: 4/18/2015 2:05:19 AMLvl 28 hunter. Looking for a squad to do any raid with, 28's and up. I have no mic so I'll just follow your lead....just really need to get some raid gear. Message the gt up top for an invite
I have 3 lvl32s A Titan, Warlock and Hunter I'm willing to help anyone on either Normal or Hard Crota being swordbearer with any of the 3 characters. I'm very well experienced Just send me an invite and I'll join
I need 5 for a hard mode Crota's End. I'll run sword. GT: Skyzahh. I'll do any cp but I'd prefer just the Crota cp.
Crota hard CP GT Elite Swords11 message me if you are in 32's only(360)
Looking for fresh or templar hard vog. Need a fate bringer. Inv casual drastic
Looking for Crota raid, normal and hard. I have a 32 lock and Titan, running both.
Edited by Old Man Gore: 4/18/2015 12:21:01 AM
Looking for fresh or templar hard vog. Need a fate bringer. Inv casual drastic
Need a TITAN for hard Crota cp must be 32 and must have a MAXED hoc or gally must be a TITAN
Need 4 for normal VOG fresh start, msg Deathstroke706 for inv
Need 1 more guardian for hard VOG on atheon checkpoint. Must be 30+ and must be good with relic. GT is the same as my name
Hard crota 32s only Must have max ghorn Must be experienced Message explosive hero5 For inv crota cp