originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Hard crota 32s only Must have max ghorn Must be experienced Message explosive hero5 For inv crota cp
Normal Crota raid fresh Lvl 31+ Have experience Need 2 people GT same as username so message me for invite
Need four deathsinger hard gt same
Fresh Vog hard 30+ must be experienced Msg dragneel39 for invite. Mic not required
In need of 31+ for Crota HM Fresh Please have a HoC or Ghorn maxed out Please also have some sort of experience Just message above name for an invite
Hard deathsinger cp!!!! 32's only!!! Must be experienced!! Message GT above
Xbox 360 Fresh normal crota Lvl 32 swordbearer Need 4 more players Lvl 31+ Gt same as above Must have mic
CROTA NORMAL CROTA CP NEED 5. level 30 or above with experience. Get same As above.
Vault of glass fresh normal. Message me for invite, gamertag same as above. 32 Warlock here.
Need 2 for nightfall gt above
Normal fresh crota MESSAGE RPG xRemiX
Need 5 lvl 32 for VOG hard mode fresh message me for an invite my gt is as above
Crota hard cp msg for invte
Crota hard cp need sword bearer
Need 3 for Crota normal fresh start message Avenger2234 for invite
Crota hard bridge cp need full team 31+ expd with good rockets message gt above for inv
Need 2 lvl 30+ to do vog hard gatekeeper co my gt is hamar13 msg me if u want in
Need 1 and a swordbearer...hard crota cp..message for invite..
Crota normal fresh gt pomic151
Need 5 to do V.O.G. Hard and later Crota 30+ Msg me ingame, my IGN is Mardox 987
Need 4 for conflux checkpoint msg GT JordH06 for invite
Crota cp hard level 32 only need 1
VOG NM Fresh Lvl 31+ Msg Grimlock1209 for invite
Need 5 for hard crota cp. Must be 32 with tracking rockets and will need 1 experienced sword. Message PaulyB1273 either "rocket" or "sword". Please be experienced with mic.
need 4 for fresh VoG hard be experienced. gt iTz Delysid
Need 3 29+ for atheon on hard gt is same as name