originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 5 for Crota's End on normal, fresh. Message FortyTwo42 for an invite.
Need 2 and a swordbear for fresh normal Crota raid message me at stack773
Death singers hard? Need 1. Need sword bearer
Bridge cp normal 30+ message for invite.
Need 3 people 32 for Cp Hard crota. At crota. Need a sword bearer. Message on Xbox need tracking rocket
Need 5 for Crota's End on normal, fresh. Message FortyTwo42 for an invite.
VoG hard oracle checkpoint message prang97 for invite
Hard Crota cp need 2
Need sword bearer for crota cp normal message gt: Cnok26 for invite
Need 5 people 31 + for Cp Hard crota. At crota. Need a sword bearer. Message on Xbox need tracking rocket
Need 32s for Hard Crota CP. Must have either Gjallarhorn or Hunger of Crota, good maxed weapons, experience and a mic. Msg in game for invite. Gt : MateFeedKill8
Hosting crota cp msg for inv need sword barrier
Need 2 32s for hard crota maxed gally or hunger is a must. Msg gt same
Need three for fresh [b]Hard Crota[/b] need 331 tracking rockets, Gally or Hoc preferred, have a mic. Message me on 360 for inv. GT: Kat Sphinx
Need three for fresh [b]Hard Crota[/b] need 331 tracking rockets, Gally or Hoc preferred, have a mic. Message me on 360 for inv. GT: Kat Sphinx
Need 5 for Crota's End on normal, fresh. Message FortyTwo42 for an invite.
doing crotas end normal fresh be 31+ have mic, experience, and have max hunger or Gally message br0s3ph42o include level and weapon layout or you will get a message back asking. :D
Need 4 for Crota hard crota cp. 32+ hunger or Gally required. Gt above
Need 4 Crota Hard Must have mic GT: GETRDONEDIAZ
Need 4 32s for hard crota fresh msg for invite gt same as above
doing crotas end normal fresh be 31+ have mic, experience, and have max hunger or Gally message br0s3ph42o include level and weapon layout or you will get a message back asking. :D
Looking for 4 people to do Crota cp on hard need sword bearer 32s only msg for inv gt same here
Level 32 Swordbearer willing to help anyone Must be on normal or hard Crota cp Gt same, msg me if you need me.
Need two more vog hard Templar cp 31+ have mic hunger or gally horn please gt same
32 Titan or Warlock with max gali looking for a fresh Crota normal. Gt Msg same as above
Need people for Gatekeeper Hard 30+ please and also experienced Message above name for an invite