originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need people for Gatekeeper Hard 30+ please and also experienced Message above name for an invite
Lvl 32 hosting hard crota cp, need 5 more 32s and preferably one being a sword bearer. Gally or maxed hoc is a must. Msg tool112
Vog hard need 5 people 30 + no mic needed got to know what your doing message me on Xbox not here gt Same as name
Atheon hard cp need 4 31 and up gamer tag above
Hard VoG Gatekeeper cp. Need 5 players. GT same as above. 30+ only.
Need 5 for Crota normal fresh
Level 32 swordbearer, mic, experiened, looking to help with hard crota
Fresh crota end raid normal message Alex2yfire for invite
Crotas end on normal fresh 30+ only need sword bearer message me for invite gt same as name
Need 4 and a swordbearer for Crota Hard Crota cp. Gt is same as above. Message for invite.
Need 3 for atheon hard gatekeeper cp. Message quietstormjm1 for invite
32 of each looking for hard Crota raid, have max ghorn and can swordbear
Normal Crota Checkpoint here!! Gt is same as above, message me for an invite!!! (We need a swordbearer)
Carrying my friend need 3 lvl 32s. At bridge cp message for inv
Fresh crota end raid normal message Alex2yfire for invite
Night fall need 1 32 gt same as above
VoG hard fresh. Level 32 hunter looking for 2 more. Message gt Big 0strich (that's a zero)
Lvl32 Warlock;Experienced Looking to do VoG on Hard From the one following CP: Templar/Gorgon/Gatekeeper/Atheon Just invite above name if you need
Need 1 more 31+ with Ghorn or hunger. I have crota check point on normal msg jquack96 for invite
Looking to do hard crota preferred to be lvl 32
Lvl 32 titan. Need people for crota hard crota cp. Lvl 32 only with a good rocket. Need good swordbearer. Msg for inv and Gt is same as above.
LFG for Templar, don't mind starting at beginning to there, I just want fatebringer, haha Invite gt same as above
In need of 3 for Crota Normal Fresh Please have a 331 rocket Also, I'm guiding noobs through the raid who have done it before, just need extra experience. So beware of quite a few deaths. If you don't mind helping out, just send me a message and I'll invite you. Gt is above name, by the way.
doing crotas end normal fresh be 31+ have mic, experience, and have max hunger or Gally message br0s3ph42o include level and weapon layout or you will get a message back asking. :D
Looking to do Crota on Normal I'm a 32 with experience I'm also a very good swordbearer if you need one Just invite above name
Need 5 people with ghorn and a swordbearer message Johncena30525 for invite