originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 5 people with ghorn and a swordbearer message Johncena30525 for invite
Need 2 more for nightfall msg chief8901 for an invite
Need 1 for norm fresh vog msg in game
VOG hard fresh msg for inv 30+
Looking for 5 more for fresh normal crota, message me at hwskft
[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)[/quote]level 30 warlock looking for a hard Atheon cp. invite me if u do
Need a squad for VoG. Hard mode, Gatekeeper CP. No squeakers. Must be exp'd and at least a lvl 30. Msg on Xbox for invite. GT same as above ^^ lets go my ninjas!!
Doing fresh Crota normal 31+ experienced getting both chest have mike message Zellazoom for invite
Crota normal cp normal 30+
Doing fresh Crota normal 31+ experienced getting both chest have mike message Zellazoom for invite
Need templar hard cp. My bro needs a fatebringer, he has played since the game came out and is still chasing the gun, help the cause with an oracle or templar checkpoint if you can msg: SprayingPeanut
Fresh crota end raid normal message Alex2yfire for invite
Level 31 experienced hunter with gally need to Crota and vog hard or normal
Need a team of 31+ for VOG Hard fresh start msg laserguy5000 for inv
Need a team of 31+ for VOG Hard fresh start msg laserguy5000 for inv
LF 3 more people for fresh normal VOG run. Msg:MLGpeanutbutter
Need a group for a fresh hard VOG!! Gt is same as above, message me for an invite!
32 Hunter w/ icebreaker and gally Lookin for atheon cp On norm or hard Invite gt above
Need 2 more for vog on normal msg me gt same as name
fresh hard crota need four including sword bearer gt same as name message for inv. 32s preferably, good rockets and blah blah blah.
Need 5 for Vault of Glass hard fresh. Must be experienced looking to do this as fast as possible. I will be relic holder for Templar. Message LAXPete for invite.
Hard fresh crota.Msg: A Rough Banana for an invite. Only lvl 31 plus players
Fresh Crota normal 31+ msg me gt same as above
Vog normal need 4 more. Msg me gamertag same as name.
VOG normal fresh needing 2 more gt same as above
Fresh Croat normal 31+ msg me gt same as above