originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
fresh hard vog message MrsLoonyPenguin for inv
Vault of glass fresh normal. Message me for invite, gamertag same as above. 32 Hunter here.
Need 4 for crota hard cp gt is same
Level 31 hunter looking for VOG GT danthedevil invite me
Looking for crota normal or hard GT same
Looking for people to do fresh vog on hard level 31+
[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)[/quote] Freah vog on normal.gt same as above Msg for invt
Edited by prang97: 4/16/2015 10:21:32 AM31 warlock and 31 hunter looking for crota
Fresh VoG on hard. Need 3. Essays me if interested.
Add The Menthol, I love raids, even if I don't get rewards I like to at least help. They're so fun! c:
Need 2 more for HARD CROTA FRESH. Gt ciaohomiE for inv
LFG crota normal. 32 titan Gally can sword
VoG hard Gatekeeper cp. Need 5 players. GT same as above. 30+ only.
Need 2 for fresh Crota hard. Gt same as above.
Need 2 for hard crota cp. Message Pure Symphonics for invite.
Vault of Glass Hard fresh start. Got three level 32s with Gjallarhorns. Message on Xbox. Gamer tag: RiceHarvester
Edited by ManCakes: 4/16/2015 3:36:01 AMI have hard Crota checkpoint Xbox 360 gt SnuggleBunnyGod
Looking for a group to do fresh normal VOG must have mic, must have experience my gt is MrGiggles2788 message me back for invite
Looking for a group to do fresh normal VOG must have mic, must have experience my gt is MrGiggles2788 message me back for invite
Gonna be giving away Gorgon chest on 360 for the next little while. Message me if you want it, gamer tag same as name!
need 3 30+for end of crota on normal fresh start. must have mics and heavy with tracking. msg for invite.
need 3 for hard crota 32 only maxed tracking rocketed required msg gt which is user for inv
Need 32s for Fresh Hard Crota. Must have either Gjallarhorn or Hunger of Crota, good maxed weapons, experience and a mic. Message in game for invite. Gt: MateFeedKill8
Two level 32's looking for hard vog templar cp. Send invite in game
I'm an very Experienced Sword bearer 3-32s Max Jelly Horn Gamer tag: Scruby Dew
Need one for nightfall message for an invite