originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need one for nightfall message for an invite
Normal crota fresh need 2
Need 3 crota normal. At crota. 31+. THE ST1G 42
Crota cp hardmode. 32 only. Need hunter sword bearer that can 2 sword. Message for inv
Looking for hard crota OR deathsinger cp. I'm a lvl 32 titan w/maxed HoC, gamertag is same as above. Invite me.
Looking for a fresh crota game. Lv 29 warlock with microphone. Send me an invite. Gamertag same as above.
vog him gatekeeper cp add EP1K M0NK3Y
Need 4 for gatekeeper cp on hard message mattv0816 for inv
32 Titan [b][i][u]LOOKING[/u][/i][/b] for hard Crota fresh got Gally and fatebringer GT redeye0198
Vog nrml fresh msg HOS3R 3H
Need 2 nightfall gt same
Edited by jaun corona: 4/15/2015 11:51:44 PMLooking for VOG any level invite me pls~ GAMERTAG is same as above^
Need a swordbearer for Normal Crota . Msg WUZ UP 7
Corta end normal Swordbarrer Lvl 32 Experience Swordbarrer Invite me to a game of you need a Swordbarrer Gt// aero twisst
Doing normal crota cp need 3 gt is same
Need 2 more 32s for crota hard checkpoint
Normal Crota Deathsinger cp message for inv
CE normal fresh. Lvl 31+ and must have mic, message gt above.
Need 5 people to help carry my lvl 27 warlock through Crotas End on normal lvl 31+ message me if you will help my gt is as above
[quote]Lf gorgon chest 360. MSG swishswishstab4 [i]pretty please[/i][/quote]
Need 5 lvl 31+ for normal crota cp Must have experience Must have mic Have a swordbearer Must have tracking rockets Gt same as above msg for inv
Looking for team for vog hard
Need a swordbearer for Fresh Hard Crota. Msg WUZ UP 7
Need 3 for normal VoG. We have a first timer so no elitists please. Mic required. Message JJROCKS917 for an invite :)
Need people for Croats end hard and fresh get is same send message for inv
Doing normal crota cp need 3 and sword guy