originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Doing normal crota cp need 3 and sword guy
Looking for a sword bearer for hard crota cp
Doing hard Crota cp need 5 32 only and please know what you're doing. Need a swordbearer as well msg gt above for inv
Need 4 for hard Templar checkpoint msg EagleEye278 for invite
Need 4 for hard Templar checkpoint msg EagleEye278 for invite
Need 5 people to help carry my lvl 27 warlock through Crotas End on normal lvl 31+ message me if you will help my gt is as above
Need 4 atheons normal checkpoint msg me
Hard mode Crota. At deathsinger. Need 2 lvl 32s. I can be swordbearer, but if anyone wants to be swordbearer they can. Msg cliche is okay for inv.
Need 2 for crota normal fresh run 31+ must have ghorn or hunger of crota
31 hunter looking for an oracle or templar cp inv me gt same as above
CROTA cp normal msg for invite
Need 2 for crota hard bridge cp gt above
Need 2 for hard Templar 31+ message for invite
Need a lvl 32 swordbearer for hard crota cp
Need 4 for crota bridge hard cp gt above
Need 5 lvl 32s for hard crota cp also need a swordbearer
2 31+ night fall I'm a 32 Titan Gt same as above
Need 5 for crota bridge hard cp gt above
Looking for 5 ppl for fresh normal crota looking for sword bearer message OG Purp 4L on Xbox live for invite
Need a 32 sword bearer for the normal checkpoint!!! Gt for the invite!
32 of each looking for hard Crota raid, have max ghorn and can swordbear
Lvl 27 Hunter looking for team to do VOG msg me for an invite (Must be 26 or higher in rank, Xbox 360) (GT: OMG Itz Punnch)
Helping run sword for normal or hard crota, very experienced. Gt is same as above. Invite me.
[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)[/quote] Doing crota normal fresh. Msg TheSBuck for invite
Vog hard Templar. Gt is above.
Need 2 for VOG HARD oracls cp Gt same as above