originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 2 for VOG HARD oracls cp Gt same as above
Helping run sword for normal or hard crota, very experienced. Gt is same as above. Invite me.
Vog normal 26+ need mic helping low lvls with the vog[
Lv 32 Hunter, Titan OR Warlock +1 looking for Crota or Ir Yut cp. 35+ Hard Crota kills Swordbearer if needed Gt: Hawaiian of vb[
32 Titan with Crota Checkpoint on normal!! Gt is same as above, message for an invite!
Need 5 for fresh hard Vault of Glass. Must know how to run relic and must have Icebreaker. 30+. Need experience and a mic. NO KINDERGUARDIANS. Message for invite. GT same as name.
Looking for invite to any raid. Lvl 31 titan, i have a shit ton of exotics. Send invites to iThizzy7o7
32 hunter looking for hard Atheon or Templar cp. Message sn1p3r501
Edited by All Seriousness: 4/15/2015 9:03:54 PMCrotas end hard second bridge need two more 32's message Fitterfrost7968
need to find Vog hard any cp or fresh inv IneRsiia Jr
Need one on heroic 30 message Zellazoom for invite
Atheon Normal. Fresh run. Message XOKENN
Edited by jaun corona: 4/15/2015 8:44:26 PMLevel 30 Titan looking for invite to VOG or nightfall. Gt same as above message me
32 warlock looking for either a fresh hard VOG or Templar checkpoint!! Gt is same as above, message me!!
Need 2 for nf on 360 lvl 31+ msg for invite gt same
32 titan looking for hard VOG and hard crota, cp or fresh doesnt matter. gt same as name and before you ask, no i dont have hunger or ghorn. not everyone in the team needs one, only like two or three people need one, i dont understand why everyone requires the whole team to have either, its not necessary. it only hurts those of us who dont have the luck of getting either by preventing us from getting invites to raids from other players to possibly get them. so yea, inv me.
Crota cp hard lvl 32 message me BREEDNGVIOLENCE for invite
Need 5 for Atheon cp on hard message I Taaz I for a inv
Edited by Yagai7636: 4/15/2015 6:16:54 PMLvl 30 with ghorn wants to do vog hard please help any cp gt is DRIFT240sxH03
Need 3 more people for confluxes on hard message me on xbox for an invite gamer tag is same as above must have experience
Level 32 looking to join a team for a fresh vog hard. Gt same as above.
Need 4 for vog hardmode Templar CP Message: Amnestied
VOG hard fast runs couple times. 30+ msg me on Xbox the 0s in my name are numbers.
Need 5 for Hard Atheon CP. Message for an invite, gamertag above
Hard Vog fresh. Message for inv
Need 5 for crota hard cp ( crota ) msg for inv gt talmaxs