originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Lvl 31 Titan looking for CE hard fresh or VoG hard fresh!!! Send invite to GT above!!!
Need five level 30+ players for a fresh run on VoG on hard CP at confluxes GT: SuspectWinter67
Fresh Vog normal msg: MiracleGreen
DESTINY PRO'S ONLY. GT same as above. 32 warlock sword bearer with HARD Crota CP. Need one 32 TITAN SWORD BEARER & one 32 HUNTER SWORD BEARER to switch off on the 3 sword runs for crota. The remaining two doesn't matter what rank or class preferably one titan to back up the titan sword bearer when it's their turn. HAVE GOOD ROCKETS, message me on LIVE & DONT JUST PUT "INV" I need to know your class and if you're a SB or Shooter please.
DESTINY PRO'S ONLY. GT same as above. 32 warlock sword bearer with HARD Crota CP. Need one 32 TITAN SWORD BEARER & one 32 HUNTER SWORD BEARER to switch off on the 3 sword runs for crota. The remaining two doesn't matter what rank or class preferably one titan to back up the titan sword bearer when it's their turn. HAVE GOOD ROCKETS, message me on LIVE & DONT JUST PUT "INV" I need to know your class and if you're a SB or Shooter please.
Vault of glass hard templar checkpoint need four 30+ message back for invite gt: Extra Exoitc
32 warlock looking for FRESH crota Hard inv gt same as above or I can start a team just message me must have Mic gt same as above
Fresh normal crotas end 29+ msg for invite gt wastley
32 warlock looking for FRESH crota Hard inv gt same as above or I can start a team just message me must have Mic gt same as above
32 titan looking for vog normal fresh
Need a sword guy and a guy with a gally on hard crota cp message me XIx GiLLy XD
Edited by SurosToDaNoggin: 4/15/2015 1:53:24 PMNeed 5 for fresh hard Crotas end msg SurosToDaNoggin for inv
Lvl 32 warlock looking for hard Crota fresh inv, gt same as name.
Hard atehon cp msg name above for inv
Need 2 for crota cp on hard message ErZa Turnz for a invite
Need 2 for gatekeeper cp on hard message ErZa Turnz for a invite
32 warlock LF hard crota any CP GT same as above
Need 4 for gatekeeper cp on hard message ErZa Turnz for a invite
Need 1 for Hard Crota deathsingers cp gt same as above
Need 4 more crota hard fresh
32 hunter for crota raid fresh on hard. Maxed gally and can run sword if needed. Invite oCucui
31 warlock looking for crota fresh GT prang97
Normal crota fresh run need two and a sword bearer 31+ with decent rockets
Fresh Hard VoG. Need two more.
Vog hard fresh message Harry69Corndog
Anyone need a Swordbearer for Crota? Level 32 here willing to help out Gt same, msg me if your group needs me.