originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Anyone need a Swordbearer for Crota? Level 32 here willing to help out Gt same, msg me if your group needs me.
Fresh vog normal. Msg for inv
Lvl 32 titan with maxed ghorn lookin for crota or atheon raid, msg tool112
Looking to run fresh crota on normal, mesh me at hwskft.
Fresh normal vog message Alex2yfire for invite
Need 5 atheon hard cp gt above
Hosting normal hard fresh 31/32 need a lamp runner and sword bear gt same as above
Need 5 31+ with Ghorn for hard Templar cp msg KetchupMayo50 for inv
Crota normal fresh message Harry69Corndog
Crota hard. Need one more person lamps
Need 32s for Fresh Hard Crota. Must have either Gjallarhorn or Hunger of Crota, good maxed weapons, experience and a mic. Msg in game for invite. Gt : MateFeedKill8
Need 4 for VOG on Hard Fresh run Gt xBeastman35
Lfg to carry a 28 through CE normal fresh GT: BrentRF
31 Titan with tracking rocket looking for deathsinger cp on hard. Gt same
need a 32 sword bearer for normal Crota
Crota hard fresh. Need 5 experienced people
Looking for 32 with gally or hoc maxed for hard crota. Gt same as above.
Need team for normal crota fresh 30+ message for invite
32 looking for Deathsinger checkpoint on HARD. Anyone got cp? If so inv me, gt same.
Fresh start hard Crota raid. 32+ message in game. Gt: slowjoey7168641
Looking for 32 with gally or hoc maxed for hard crota. Gt same as above.
Looking for four to do hard VOG. Currently have 2 32s. Msg gt above.
Need 3 for crota hard fresh msg for invite 32+
Fresh VOG Hard Message SloshedPumpkin 4 invite
Need people for nightfall I'm a 29 but I have exp gt is same send message for inv
32 each class with max ghorn looking for hard Crota or nitefall, inv same gt as above