originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
32 each class with max ghorn looking for hard Crota or nitefall, inv same gt as above
Vog hardmode Templar CP Message: Amnestied For invite
Crota normal cp message Harry69Corndog
Need 3 for crota normal fresh msg for invite 31+
32+ gjallarhorn required need 1 more for fresh Crota on 360 GT redeye0198
Fresh vog hard Lvl 31+, Mic, no kids Experienced Message for invite
Need one for crota cp on hard
Need 3 more for fresh normal Crota gt is DLMatrix
Lvl 32 titan looking for FRESH crota Hard mode or I can start a raid team message me on Xbox live. Gt same as above
Lvl 32 titan looking for FRESH crota Hard mode or I can start a raid team message me on Xbox live. Gt same as above
Need a [b]SWORD BEARER[/b] For [b]NORMAL CROTA CP[/b]. We have 3 max GALLY!!! Must be [b]32[/b]! MSG AlbiNo Ant for invite!
Normal fresh crota message Harry69Corndog 31+ ONLY
Fresh vog hard Lvl 31+, Mic, no kids Experienced Message for invite
32 hunter looking for hard fresh Crota have a Gally and can hold sword GT redeye0198
Normal fresh crota message Harry69Corndog
Need 4 for Crota death singer cp on hard msg me for inv gt is same as name
Warlock LF VOG normal Gt: SoppingExpert44
32 hunter looking for hard fresh Crota have a Gally and can hold sword GT redeye0198
Hard crota fresh run. Message: Acusar
doing crotas end normal at shrieker run be 31 plus with mic, experience, and hunger or Gally fully maxed message br0s3ph42o. please include your level and weapon layout. you will be asked in a message back if you do not.
Hard Templar CP Have Mic Have Experience Lvl 30+ Gt above
Need 4 for hard VOG fresh start
Need 1 more for VOG hard message I Taaz I for a invite (Capital "I")
Fresh Crota Normal Message sloshedpumpkin 4 invite
Fresh vog hard Lvl 31+, Mic, no kids Experienced Message for invite
If anyone can help me with getting my level 29 through the bridge on normal. Message me on xbox my GT is Galaxy M9 I can solo the abyss I just need help with the bridge (Helps if you know the bridge jump and can do it well.)