originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
If anyone can help me with getting my level 29 through the bridge on normal. Message me on xbox my GT is Galaxy M9 I can solo the abyss I just need help with the bridge (Helps if you know the bridge jump and can do it well.)
Edited by Snowman: 4/14/2015 9:09:21 PMNeed 2 for Oracle CP Hard. Message S N O W LM A N.
Need 31+ for Crotas end normal from fresh will be cheesing bridge and must have experience msg laserguy5000 for an invite
Need 2 for gatekeeper cp on hard message ErZa Rainz for a invite
Gatekeeper cp on hard need 4 gt is mob Ibn
Need 5 for fresh Crota normal GT is DarkAssassinX15
Fresh hard crota message MrsLoonyPenguin for inv:]
Gatekeeper cp on hard need 4 gt is mob Ibn
Vog hard fresh run 30+ 3 spaces message magneticwhale for inv must have mic and experience
Doing vog hard fresh message ErZa Rainz for a invite
Crota end normal crota cp 30+ msg me gt same as above
Crota Normal Fresh I am a 32 Titan who can run Sword - Any level is fine - Please have good rockets - msg XGN m1nny for invite
Crota Normal Fresh I am a 32 Titan who can run Sword - Any level is fine - Please have good rockets - msg XGN m1nny for invite
Need 3 for fresh NORMAL CROTA. 1 of which is a badass sword bearer. Must have mic, experience, tracking rocket (Unless you're sword bearer) & be COOL!!! Don't just send me "invite". Say if you're sword bearer, have tracking rockets, lvl, and class. Thanks! Send message to gt same as above^^^
Experienced Level 32 warlock looking for hard vog fresh inv. gt same as username here.
Need 4 31+ for fresh vog normal. Must have mic and experience. Msg for invite GT same as above.
Atheon hard CP Gt same as above Level 30+ only Must have a mic YOU MUST HAVE ALREADY UPDATED
Lvl 31 warlock sunsinger Wanna do fresh Crota on normal Gt is mizzouninja3 Message me for inv.
Crota cp norm msg for inv gt is Shadow Beast100
Need 32s for Fresh Hard Crota. Must have either maxed Gjallarhorn or Hunger of Crota, good maxed weapons, experience and a mic. Msg in game for invite. Gt : MateFeedKill8
crota cp normal. need 5 including sword bearer. gt same as name. (i dont have ghorn :'c )
Lv31 hunter lfg for crota. Msg on xb360. Gt same as above
Fresh normal crota message for invite
Vog normal fresh start my tag is ASSASSIN7939
Atheon hard need 2 level 31+
Fresh hard mode Crota need 5 message for invite Gt: Cnok26