originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Fresh hard mode Crota need 5 message for invite Gt: Cnok26
Looking for a swordbearer for normal crota cp. Gt same as above.
Looking to do hard crota at deathsinger checkpoint. Feel free to message on xbox live for an invite. My display name is my gt. If you wanna run fresh we can do that too. Hurry before reset guys.
Need 2 for nightfall msg chief8901 for an invite
Edited by bartski: 4/14/2015 3:28:13 AMNeed 1 hard crota cp 32 only gt same as above
Hard Crota CP need 3 message Im Espeon for invite
Need 4 for Atheon Cp on Hard message Gt:DAComebackKid66
Looking For A Fresh Crota On Hard, Need A Team Invite iForgetful Maxed Truth Level 31
VoG hard I'm level 31 Titan gt same
Need help carrying my 27 Titan throw VOG hard
Need 5 30+ for VoG hard gatekeeper cp. gt is same message for invite
Need 4 more for Templar on hard, message The Dizruptor for invite.
Need 4 level 32s for hard crota cp message toxin491 for invite need swordbearer.
Need 4 more for hard Templar, message the Dizruptor for invite.
Need 4 for Hard Crota including a GOOD swordbearer lvl 32 only will accept one 31 with maxed galley
Need 4 for fresh vog hard gt same
Need 4 for Hard Crota including a GOOD swordbearer lvl 32 only will accept one 31 with maxed galley
Looking for team of 5 for vog taking anyone message me for invite gt: Maybe Blood
Doing fresh crota hard raid. In need for a sword bearer that is lvl 32 hunter. Need to be experienced as usual. Msg AnimotoxCLIMAX, PJREAPER1X or xXNanoVOLTZXx
Crota hard Crota cp need 2 gallys only
Looking to do anything lol 32 can do both hard raid or nf send a message for what you need I'm for hire
Looking to do Crota hard Im a lvl 32 with a fully upgraded hunger msg me gt is above
Need people for last minute nightfall, I'm a 29 but I have exp gt is same send message for inv.
Need 5 for crota hard cp gt above
Need a group for hard tenplar checkpoint message EmotionalUser for invite
Need a crew for hard Crota cp!!! 32's only with gally or hunger maxed! Need Swordberer. GT above