originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need a crew for hard Crota cp!!! 32's only with gally or hunger maxed! Need Swordberer. GT above
Helping guardians run sword
Edited by Bug Catcher Dave: 4/13/2015 10:59:44 PMDoes anyone have a gorgon exotic chest checkpoint i can grab real quick? Havent done the VOG this week but i still want to try to get something out of it. We can probably do future raiding in return. GT: xtreme55785
Need 1 swordbearer that is a level 32 Hunter, please join gamer tag above.
Crota hard fresh lets get it done before reset message me same gamertag
Crota hard fresh run need 4 message me gtag same as name
Need five 31+ to join on Crota Checkpoint NORMAL! Gt is the same as above, message for invite!
Hard fresh crota message Harry69Corndog
Need 4 31+ crota hard cp
Need 3 one sword bearer for hard Crota check point. GT Emacryan. Message me
Need 5 for crota hard cp (boss) only 32 msg for inv gt talmaxs
Need 3 one sword bearer for hard Crota check point. GT Emacryan. Message me
Hard fresh crota message Harry69Corndog
Hard Gatekeeper cp VoG. Need 2 players. GT same as above. 30+ only.
Hard VoG, Gatekeeper CP, 2 more people needed. GT is the same as above. :)
Need help xbox 360 flawless. Gt is: Slenderman661
Need 5 for gatekeeper cp on hard Lvl 31 or higher Gt: Myst Gods Will not be checking forums
Need 30s for Hard Atheon CP. Must have good maxed weapons, experience and a mic. Msg in game for invite. Gt : MateFeedKill8
doing crotas end death singer cp on normal doing crota as well need 1 be 31+ with mic and experience also have tracking rockets maxed hunger or Gally preferred. message br0s3ph42o
VOG gatekeeper normal, message same as above for inv
Need 32s for hard for hard Crota cp
Edited by COMPTONASSJai: 4/13/2015 6:57:58 PMLvl 31 Titan with experience looking for Crota Hard cp, gt is name above.
Lev 32 hunter swordbearer looking for be hard cp in gt same as above
Looking for fresh crota run on hard. Invite me. Gt above. Experienced!
Doing Crota cp 32s only must know what to do msg gt same as above need 4 and 1 sword bearer
doing crotas end death singer cp on normal doing crota as well need 1 be 31+ with mic and experience also have tracking rockets maxed hunger or Gally preferred. message br0s3ph42o