originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
doing crotas end death singer cp on normal doing crota as well need 1 be 31+ with mic and experience also have tracking rockets maxed hunger or Gally preferred. message br0s3ph42o
doing crotas end death singer cp on normal be 31+ with mic and experience also have tracking rockets maxed hunger or Gally preferred. message br0s3ph42o
32 warlock with hunger looking for hard Deathsinger cp. Gt same as above.
Lvl31 hunter looking for fresh crota run hard or normal msg for invite gt same as above
Crota's End Death Singer checkpoint Hard mode msg me on xbox360 samename^^^
Doing Crota fresh 32s only must know what to do msg gt same as above
Need 2 32s for Crota checkpoint on hard message NTmaniac897 for invite
Need 4 for fresh VOG start
Need 1 for nightfall. We need help. Message me on Xbox GT, Ontrix we prefer a Titan.
Need 4 32s for Crota checkpoint on hard. Message me with your level NTmaniac897 for invite. We also need a swordbearer as well.
Looking to join fresh hard Crota I'm level 31 warlock with max gally or hoc gt same as name
32 hunter looking to help with FRESH FRESH raids either raid is fine any difficulty. Have Mic have maxed g horn can swordbear. Send an invite if it doing fresh either raid very experienced. Gt same as above
Level 25 Warlock , will be 26 by the end of the day looking to do raid VoG .. MrNeedALife is my GT.. (i have a mic)
Need 4 players for VOG (Atheon) on Normal. Message for invite :) Already have 2 experienced players so hoping to work through quickly!
Looking for group for fresh VOG Hard. Need 4 more. We both have 3 32s and are very experienced. Message ZebraMachine7 on Xbox Live
Need 4 for Crota Hard Cp message GT:DRODE2
Need 4 for Atheon on normal, message for inv :)
Wanna do vog hard from atheon check point. Looking for mythoclast Gt same as above Relic holder preferably Message for invite
two 32s looking for another 32 with ghorn to finish crota norm. gt same as name
32 titan with normal crota shrieker cp, need 5 including sword bearer. gt same as name
2 level 32s with maxed ghorn looking for a hard crota cp! :D
Have Crota CP on Hard I am a level 32 Hunter Need 5 experienced level 32's Need an experienced swordbearer Need to Have Ghally or HOC Need to have Mic Message me at SILOAMSLAYTER for invite
Have Crota CP on Hard I am a level 32 Hunter Need 5 experienced level 32's Need an experienced swordbearer Need to Have Ghally or HOC Need to have Mic Message me at SILOAMSLAYTER for invite
Normal vog Atheon cp Message Alex2yfire for invite
VOG HARD TEMPLAR CP NEED 1 Must Be lvl 30+ Titan max defender Pls have max gally you dont need to just hold your own weight If ur in message me gt same we need 1 more so 1st in 1st server