originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
VOG HARD TEMPLAR CP NEED 1 Must Be lvl 30+ Titan max defender Pls have max gally you dont need to just hold your own weight If ur in message me gt same we need 1 more so 1st in 1st server
Lvl 24 never done glass raid would like to find out what it's all about. Also down for whatever though Send me an invite!
Have Crota CP on Hard I am a level 32 Hunter Need 5 experienced level 32's Need an experienced swordbearer Need to Have Ghally or HOC Need to have Mic Message me at SILOAMSLAYTER for invite
Need 2 31+ that will run nightfall message for invite
VOG normal oracle cp GT same as above, need one
Need one person 30+ for vog at atheon checkpoint on hard msg for invite gt is Forzania
Need people 30+ for Crota checkpoint on normal send request to join gt is Forzania
Need 2 for conflicts normal msg for invite
Need 5 conflux cp hard gt same
Edited by 42Zero: 4/13/2015 12:34:47 AMNeed experienced LVL 32 for hard crota cp. We need a lvl 32 hunter for sword. Must have Gjallarhorn or HOC. Gt the same msg me
Need a 32 hunter that experienced with the sword for hard crota. Gt the same msg me
Crota hard
Need 2, 31+, for VOG hard. Must have mic. Msg for inv. GT same as above
I'm looking for VOG hard mode atheon cp I'm a lvl 32 hunter that can run relic and I have the ib black hammer Suros and gally invite me if you have the cp my gt is as above
Crota normal fresh gt same as name
Vog hard cp gatekeeper Gt Irish misfit
Need 3 for normal crota cp msg for inv
Vog hard fresh my gt is shadow44778 lvl 30+ only msg me on xbox for an inv
Running Fresh Crota Norm GT: The Black Group Message For Invite
Level 31 Titan looking to do Crota's End on hard if anyone has room invite me gt is hancok581
Need 2 more for VoG normal fresh on 360 lvl 27+ msg for inv
Hard VOG Atheon CP 30+ Have Mic Have Experience
Crota cp hard 32's only. ghorn+swordbearer needed message nicolaspicklis for invite
Lfg for Crota hard or normal. Invite in game
CE Hard crota cp Need 3 lvl 32s Max ghorn only Have mic Gt above
Hosting Crota normal. must be 31+ and good rocket launcher and experience GT: Ohh Hyperz