originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Hosting Crota normal. must be 31+ and good rocket launcher and experience GT: Ohh Hyperz
Need 2 for normal vog
Need people vog normal atheon cp must be experienced msg invite 360
Hosting VoG normal on 360 lvl 27+ msg for inv
Need 5 for VOG hard Templar CP gt same
2 32s Maxed With Crota check pt tracking rockets only experienced thank you... Also need a sword fella.... message Smittymcsmit
Need 3 for Croat cp. msg for inv. Gt MustachedRiver8
Hard crota cp Message for inv Need a tracking rocket Gt same as name
Need 3 more people for VOG hard fresh
Fresh Crota Hard Message: fasthustler1970
Normal Atheon checkpoint gt same as above message for invite
Looking for 4 more to do fresh hard mode VOG. 30+ must have mic. Message for invite.
32 of each class with max ghorn looking for any hard raid or nitefall
Need 5 more people lvl 32 need a swordbearer and 2 Titan with ghorn message Johncena30525 for invite fresh start on 360
Crota hard deathsinger 32 only I don't want to take a long time so no 31 please . Same gt as above
Starting fresh Hard Crota raid 32+ only & must have tracking rocket Msg War Skilled for invite
Need 4 for hard Crota cp must be 32 with either MAXED gally or hunger need a swordbear GT same as above
Crota hard fresh 32 only I don't want to take a long time so no 31 please . Same gt as above
Need 2 for hard atheon cp, level 30+, experienced,
Need 4 for gatekeeper must be level 30+
Fresh normal vog Message Alex2yfire for invite
Need 4 for Crota's End on Normal Fresh Start. 31+ Only! Gjallarhorn preferred. Message me on Xbox 360 for invite. GT: Inphenity.
Need experienced sword bearer for hard crota cp. msg for inv gt is same
Need 4 for Crota hard fresh run. Must be level 31+ and experienced with Ghorn or hunger of Crota and we need a swordbearer. Message on Xbox, GT: Pinksey
Got a hard crota cp must be 32 and have a good rocket launcher msg Favorite Bird on 360 for invite
Doing a raid on VOG normal. Trying to get the flawless raider achievement. Message qkSC x N1NJA. Must be at least level 30