originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 2 for fresh normal Crota get same as above
Hard atheon cp gt same lvl 30+
Crota hard cp only level 32 and if your stupid and you have never done the raid or you think you good at it trust me you not. You have to be 100% good at. And a swordbearer message me for invite GT: Attack Riley
Hard Crota cp need 2 people Preferably 32 with good launcher Need sword bearer Message for invite
Looking for 4 for fresh hard vog 31+ only and have a mic Message me on xbox ONLY gt same as name
Crota normal fresh 30+ Gt same as above
Need one more person for crota fresh have swordbearer msg for inv
Need 1 more for crota hard cp 31+ Gamertag same as above!!!
Looking for 5 people to do fresh hard Crota Gt: ddogzombie58 32's?
Need 3 for fresh Crota gt justblzedasack
Hard atheon cp message Harry69Corndog 31+ only
Need 1 person for Fresh Normal Vog. Msg WUZ UP 7
Hard CE Crota Cp Lvl 32 Max Ghorn Or Hunger Only Have Mic Have Experience Gt: Pixhul y0
Crota norm fresh. Gt same
Hard gatekeeper cp message Harry69Corndog
I am starting a fresh hard mode crotas end. Message me over Xbox for an invite my gamer tag is Stride Narwhal
Lvl31warlock.looking for crota norm fresh or any cp gt CrispyxDefile
VOG normal fresh you have to be level 31+ message me for invite if you want to join the raid and get loot. GT: Attack Riley
Hard vog 31+{{ full raid }} msg gt same as above
lvl 32 swordbearer..bored and at a loose end...so im offering my services(as a crota swordbearer) to any groups looking for one on normal mode.....must have tracking launchers and be at the crota cp
Crota cp. Need a 32 swordbearer. GT is above^
31 warlock crota normal cp , need 5 inc swordrunner , max hoc . Message for inv
Need 4 more for crota hard deathsingers 31+ Gt same as above
Weekly nightfall i need 2 im,lvl 31 please message or,invite redcorn95
Doing Crota on normal fresh you have to be level 31+ message me for invite of you want to join GT: Attack Riley
Vog? Anyone invite me ft same as name