originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Vog? Anyone invite me ft same as name
Need one more for normal crota. Gt same as above.
Fresh Crota normal message for invite
32 Titan looking to be sword bearer on hard or normal. Crota cp only! Gt above.
We are a new clan with only 8 members but 7 (not including me) are some of the best crucible players to play with. The clan name is OWNS YOU. We're friendly and just looking for people who can play just as well and win just as much. We help people and always get raids done first try and quick, our main players all have the best weapons to help any one who needs it We have a few recruiters online now, comment below and if the recruiters agree we will accept you in the clan. Decisions will be mainly by our one best crucible player. If you want to try out leave a comment below. Main acceptance rule: You have 6 games you must have a k/d better or as good as 2 of the recruiters in the game, if you do this for 3 games straight we will accept you (some people will be accepted with out doing this though)
Message for invite hosting hard crota fresh need 5
32 Hunter looking for fresh hard Crota's End. I have a max Gally and any other weapons I'll need. Loads of experience, been doing this since the beginning. Gt same as username.
Need for people for VOG hard mode message MrDiddlez1994
Need 3 32s including a swordbearer galleys or hunger
Need 5 31+ for hard Atheon checkpoint message gt BryanBFLYin for invite
Need team for Hard atheon 32 only need Titan with weapons of light message for invite
Hard vog gatekeeper cp message for invite 31+
Crota normal cp Need to be 31+ with experience Also need swordbearer Gt same as above No squeakers
Need a 32 swordbearer for crota cp hard gt same
Need 4 more fr vog hard
Crota normal bridge cp - 29+ plz - Msg me for inv gt is above
Need 2 for hard atheon message for invite
Vault of glass normal fresh. Gt same as above
Need 3 for fresh VoG normal
Normal Crota cp msg me same name as above for inv
Lf 3 more people for hard crota cp. Msg:MLGpeanutbutter
Need 2 for hard atheon message for invite
Hard atheon need 3 player gt same as above gt Xbox 360
Hosting gatekeeper cp 30+ 4 spaces left msg for inv gt same as above
Edited by LastPaganBlood: 4/11/2015 11:24:16 PM31 warlock looking to join crota's end GT: LastPaganBlood
31 hunter looking for a team for fresh hard crota