originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
31 hunter looking for a team for fresh hard crota
32 titan looking to do atheon hard cp or fresh, and crota hard fresh. i unfortunately do not have ghorn or hunger. gt same as name, let me know whats up :3
Need five 31+ for normal Crota msg for inv gt same
32 Hunter looking for fresh hard Vault of Glass. I have a max Gally and any other weapons I'll need. Loads of experience, been doing this since the beginning. Gt same as username.
Crota normal fresh need 1 message same as above for invite
Vog normal conflux cp gt TheSambo1089
2 32's with max ghorns looking to do hard Templar gt is Voltage Bacca
Hosting hard crota cp. Need 32s only with good rockets and experience msg gt maxinun
Need 4 vog hard conflux cp
Need 5 people for fresh run vog msg DERICKS0N for inv
Looking for a hard atheon checkpoint. I'm a 32 Titan. Very experienced with good guns. Please message me if u have an opening.
Doing Crota fresh hard message me for invite
Need 5 for hard Crota cp must be 32 and must have maxed hunger or gally GT same as above
Have Crota CP on Hard I am a level 32 Hunter Need 5 experienced level 32's Need to Have Ghally or HOC Need to have Mic Message me at SILOAMSLAYTER for invite
Hard Crota fresh start need a sword barrier&Titans 32s only gt: rocko1353
Looking for 5 for fresh normal crota including sword bearer message OG Purp 4L for invite
32 swordbearer looking for Crota cp hard GT same as here
Looking for 5 for fresh normal crota including sword bearer message OG Purp 4L for invite
Need 3 (1 swordbearer) for hard Crota fresh 32s only gt same as above
Need 5 for hard vog. Conflux cp. Gt same as above. Lvl 30+
Edited by TypicBlock374: 4/11/2015 8:46:36 PMCrota end hard fresh!!! 32's only I'm a 30 hunter with full raid gear Max hunger or gally to join Message GT above
Level 30 gunslinger hunter wanting to do Crotas End fresh normal have mic experience maxed ice breaker an hoc invite me gt same as above
VoG gatekeeper checkpoint normal, need 3 gt same as above
31 warlock with maxx ghorn looking for fresh crota run gt mundez89
vog hard atheon cp 30+. gt same as above.
Crota normal, crota cp, message for inv