originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
need 4 for Hard Crota, FRESH please be 32 please have a tracking, proximity and/or cluster bomb launcher. Message Xfallenangls9X for invite!
Anyone want to do vog on hard on oracle cp
Hosting crota normal death singer cp. Msg me for invite gt same
Have Crota CP on Hard I am a level 32 Hunter Need 5 experienced level 32's Need to Have Ghally or HOC Need to have Mic Message me at SILOAMSLAYTER for invite
31 warlock looking to do Crota hard fresh I have gally and I know what I'm doing invite me plz :)
Starting crota fresh normal. Need 5 31+. No Kinderguardians. GT: s0me bLk GuY
Hard raid crota fresh start
Fresh VoG hard Gt: CireTaorg Message me
Hard Templar cp msg gt above
I have Crota cp hard. Message me for an invite. I need a good swordbearer and I want EXPERIENCED players.
Crota normal fresh need 3 Gt same
Need 4 for vog normal
Lvl 32 hunter looking for invite for templar CP or fresh hard vog. GT TheOutsiderMax
Invite me!
Need 5 for crota normal cp msg All Time Hulk99 for invite
Lf fresh crota normal I'm lvl 31 almost 32 on 360 gt is same
Crota hard cp need 1 message zyake
Looking for 3 for VOG normal 29+ 18+ with mic preferred GT:Pork Fried John
-VOG Hard -Templar CP -level 31+ -be experienced -msg gt above for inv
Edited by Oniiii-Chan: 4/11/2015 3:06:38 PM[quote]Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)[/quote] Gorgon maze or templar works
Need 4 for fresh crota normal
Lvl 32 titan looking to join team for crotas end cp on hard. Gt same as above. I have checkpoint.
Inv me for Fresh Hard Crotas End GT: TR1PLE 777 LVL 32 TITAN
Fresh normal vog Gt: ChewKing7634
Need 3 for hard crota cp!!! 32 ONLY.
I have atheon on hard cp gt same as name