originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
I have atheon on hard cp gt same as name
Need 1 for Confluxes hard, msg for inv
Need 4 people for fresh hard Crota would help to have gally Gt: Myst Gods Will not be checking forums
[b]looking[/b] for fire team for fresh Crota, if you have a fire team plz invite me. I am not hosting I'm joining.
Crota hard fresh 31+
I need 5 for VoG hard Atheon checkpoint. Level 31+ only. Message Contest5 for invite
Need 4 for fresh normal crota 31+ msg me for inv
Edited by MtnDewBajaBlast (Unbroken): 4/11/2015 2:07:20 PMHosting hard crota cp on 360 lvl 31+ msg for inv
Lvl 32 hunter, very experienced killed crota over 300 times on hard, looking to help some ppl out at crotas hard cp only. Maxed gally also, inv gt khakicube.
Hosting VoG hard fresh lvl 30+ msg for invite gt same
Hosting VOG fresh on NORMAL need some good players to help out message me online GT: CYS AstroBoy x
Hard VOG fresh start, msg for inv
Lvl 30 titan looking for invite for hard gatekeeper CP or hard Atheon cp. GT TheOutsiderMax
Nightfall 30+ with mic gt is DEXXAL
Crota hard mode. Lf3m
I'm a level 31 SunSinger looking to do CE on hard: 2 more shards and I'm level 32. I'm willing to do any CP, but preferably not Crota. Message lewisagnew666 if you need a guy.
Crota normal need 4 players ask for invite
Level 26 warlock. Want people to dog vog normal. Msg for invite. Gt same as above.
I'm a level 31 SunSinger looking to do CE on hard: 2 more shards and I'm level 32. I'm willing to do any CP, but preferably not Crota. Message lewisagnew666 if you need a guy.
I'm looking to do normal crota cp as quick as possible im 31 titan with xp any one want to do it invite me :) GT same as above :) need 4 more
Lvl 30 titan looking for invite for fresh hard VoG. GT TheOutsiderMax
Carrying lvl 27-30 through raid msg pitto6400 or xGriffits for invite
Need 4 for crota co on normal gt same as name.
Looking for 4 more for Crota hard raid, on lamps Message xPacManxFever
Looking for fresh crota normal. Lvl 31 hunter with gally. Invite ShadeItPlease
Need 4 people Hard VoG 31+ Fresh run gt as above