originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Hosting fresh Vog hard be experienced msg xAnyWay
Lvl30 titan looking for crota fresh or any cp
Need 4 for fresh atheon hard run. Gt the same.
CE hard, deathsinger cp, room for 4 31+ with exp, gt as above
Need 4 for atheon cp hard.lv 31 + pls.gt same as above msg inv.lets make this a quick one gents.
Looking for 31s and 32 for crota fresh hard. Message for invite. Gt same as above. Need 4.
Normal crota bridge checkpoint. Message: Acusar
32 hunter fresh Crota hard message for inv gt above
Need 4 32 for crota hard crota cp. Must be able to use sword well. Must have fully upgraded ghorn or hunger of crota. Msg for invite GT same as above.
Looking to help or join up for VOG on hard or normal. Lvl 32 titan. Msg or invite me. Gamertag same as above. Happy raiding to all
Need 5 for hard crota cp gt above
Lvl 32 titan or lvl 30 hunter wanting to join crotas end on normal. Fresh start. Gt same as above.
Need 1 fir hard templar gt above
Fresh Hard Crotas end 32 Message MrLoonyPenguinn for invite
Need 1 for nightfall
Hard crota checkpoint. Need four ppl must have Mic and we need a swordbearer Message me on Xbox live for inv gt same as above
Hard crota checkpoint. Need four ppl must have Mic and we need a swordbearer Message me on Xbox live for inv gt same as above
Fresh crota run normal message for invite gt: Cnok26
Edited by Spud: 4/10/2015 4:59:21 AM
need 5 fresh crota hard gt same msg for inv
Need 3 more for Crota hard. Need a sword bearer as well. MSG gt above
Level 31 maxed defender Titan. Maxed gjally. Helping all groups. MSG me ClassicalSnipez. Would rather help on VOG normal.
Hard Crota from Crota cp -lvl 32 -Hoc or Ghorn -head set (mic) -experienced
Need 4 for normal crotas end fresh same as user name
Edited by ItsDomCuh: 4/10/2015 4:54:16 AMNeed one Crota hard fresh must be 32 gt above
Need two 32's with Gally for crota cp hard. Message The 4g for invite.