originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need two 32's with Gally for crota cp hard. Message The 4g for invite.
I am looking for 5 people to do the VOG on normal and to not die. Working for the "flawless raider" achievement so I'm requiring at least level 30. You must know how the VOG goes and can cooperate. Message qkSC x N1NJA for details
I need invite for VOG norm fresh start Level 26 hunter GT- Alex429 No mic, but can still hear you
Need 4 lvl 30+ Hard VoG Atheon Cp Message me for a invite GT: Zyr0h
Lvl 31 looking for fresh Crota gt same as above
Doing crota on hard from crotas check point. I NEED HELP PEASE. Lvl 32 titan. Send msg to above for invite if your kind enough to lend a hand. Happy raiding to all.
If anyone is doing the nightfall at anytime,tonighr invite redcorn95 please lvl 31 no mic but im really good
Lvl 30warlock looking for crota norm fresh or any cp gt:CrispyxDefile
Lvl 32 looking for vog hard any checkpoint. Send invite
Lv 32 Hunter looking for Gatekeeper cp on normal, name is above.
32 Titan maxed hunger want to do Crota hard.gt same
Looking for Atheon hard, have gatekeeper on hard GT: Same as above
Lv 32 hunter(also have 32 warlock) looking for hard Atheon cp.
Need 1 more for nightfall, message my GT
31 hunter looking for crota cp normal Gt same as name Send inv plz
Doing vog fresh hard raid must have good rockets with well experience. Need to be lvl 31+. My GT is killazone8795. Thx you
I have three characters I would like to run the nightfall with, all are 30+. If anyone just wants to run one, that's is fine. Message GT above for invite. Thanks
CE Hard Fresh. need 2 32s. message for invite
Need help running a raid msg me I'm all lvl 32 with ghorn maxed and I have a friend with me to help run it to.
Need two for gatekeeper hard msg All Time Hulk99
Looking to run nightfall need 2 more msg me at hwskft
Need 2 for gatekeeper hard cp
Need 3 for oracle cp hard Be 31+ and experienced with relic Have at least one oracle disruptor weapon and an icebreaker Message me to come
hard Crota cp need 4, 32 only with tracking rockets, message jonnyschin. need a swordbearer too
Need 1 32 Titan for HARD.CROTA. CP Have mic, experience, tracking rockets and be COOL! Send message to GT same^^^
Hard crota cp MESSAGE Harry69Corndog