originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
VOG gatekeeper checkpoint normal
VOG Hard GT: Spikes111
Fresh VOG normal
I'm a level 32 warlock and I need help on normal Crota I have a 365 gjallyhorn and a ldr 5001 and oversoul and fresh plz
Need 4 for vog hard Templar cp
I need a sword bearer for crota CP Hard GT: Nathanual
Hard Crota cp gt: Chrome Phase
Hard crota cp. in need of swordbearer. Gt same as abov
Hard crota cp in need of swordbearer. Gt same as above
I need a titan for crota CP Hard GT: Nathanual
Need one 34 for Poe 32 gt same
Edited by Birdman: 7/23/2015 2:23:34 AMNeed swordberur and one more for Crota hard checkpoint Gt is XDarkslayer74X Lvl 32+ Pls be experienced
Weekly heroic level 32 Gt: xPatoHD
Hard crota crota cp need 5 players to start (im swordbearer) msg me for an inv 33+ must have a tracking rocket
Doing 35 Poe must have won 35 Poe Msg:duck duck sh00t o's are zeros
Need 5 people to crota hard bridge checkpoint msg to invite gt is above
Need one more 32+ for 32 POE
Need 5 for Crota hard hallway cp GT same
Need 5 for fresh CE hard Gt is XDarkslayer74X Lvl 32+ Pls be experienced
Need 2 for crota hard cp. Be 33+ and have a tracking rocket
Need 4more for bog oracles checkpoint must know what you r doing
At omnigul need 2 message shrimp juantons for inv
Trying to get a team for VoG on hard. GT: Bobanna09
Vog hard oracles cp message alpha ojayy for invite
[b][u]PoE 35[/u][/b] Need 1 for 35 poe. I will be using my lvl 34 hunter. My gamertag is Lv Wild One. Message me through xbox for an invite. We have beaten skolas plenty of times
Crota hardmode fresh msg a dumb turtle for invite