originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 4 (including swordbearer) for Crota hard cp. 34 only. Message gamertag above for invite
Need 2 people for trials, please be able to hold your own, I've been flawless once and need it on my hunter an Titan, message in game for invite
Hard VOG. Templar cp . Need more people! Msg for invite
Need 1 34 with gjallarhorn for Poe 35
Hard vog fresh, gt same
Need 1 warlock or hunter for trials 34 must have been flawless msg 4 inv gt same
Vog hard fresh msg dyingfetus89 for an inv
I need to do anything this week so i help or join who ever message me what your doing and a invite to your party also I have VoG hard gatekeepers
Looking for people with gorgon cp. If you have gorgon cp, or templar cp, msg for invite. GT same as above
Need 2 more for Prison of Elders 32 My gamertag is leno549
Need 4 more for vog hard from beginning, message Aloosepoop or XxJager13xX
Need 2 34s to go flawless must have gone flawless 3 or more times and have thorn or last word and be expirenced and have a mic message for invite
Crota hard fresh msg for inv
Need a team to go flawless must have gone flawless before . Must have emblem and maxed weapons gt same for inv.
34 Poe Gt same as above msg for inv
Need one for gatekeeper on VoG
On skolas need one level 34 gt Startedfriend42 msg for invite
Need 1 more for 34 PoE, message for inv
Need 5 more for VOG Hard msg me gt is G3niusss
Normal Crota fresh, msg in game for invite
Need 5 for hard VOG Message above for inv
Need 5 for hard VOG Message above for inv
Looking for players for Crota Hard on 360. Must be lvl 32 or higher with a mic. GT: MomAteMyOreos
Need 2 for 34 PoE, Message me at Tobii OG
Need 4 for fresh crota on hard. WE CHEESIN!!!! 34s are wanted, 33s are accepted if you a warlock w/ Sunsinger Mic is also preferred! Msg derbin clap45 for an invite
Starting Fresh normal crota. 31 self res warlock Maxed gally Message me