originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Need 2 for Poe 32 and 34 Must be level 34 Must have mic Must have good weapons You must be able to do both and not just one Gt same as above
Do you yell at the game? Call bullshit when you die to ignorant game mechanics? To rage on a game takes a special kind of Asshole, and if your looking to be a part of a clan consisting of pricks like yourself, join Beautiful Rage, we do just about everything and have fun doing it....at least until we get pissed off and rage quit! Beautiful Rage .....
Level 35 arena message for invite Gt is same
Nightfall. Anyone down?
Xbox 360; VoG Hard, 33+, mic required, Conflux Checkpoint. Message TheRoyalFuze for invite
Need 4 for fresh crota on normal. Swordbearer appreciated. 32+ and decent weapons please. Message for invite. GT same as above.
Need 4 for Crotas end lvl 32+ helping a friend do it for the first time, I'm lvl 34 and he's 32 msg me for an invite Gt same as username
VoG hard fresh. Lvl 32+. Be good. Good guns. Have experience. Message gamertag: Izac Peterson
Looking for one more lvl 34 for PoE were going to run lvl 34, 35, and possibly lvl 32 I'm a lvl 34 warlock with fireborn Plz have good guns and know what your doing Message my gamer tag for a inv xEGUx DeVolVinG
Need 3 for fresh VOG on HARD carrying a 28 with us so be 32+ msg for INV ENDxEternity
Looking for fresh vog on normal, looking to join a group not host Gt is same as username and I'm lvl 34
At Confluxes checkpoint on hard. Looking for team. Gamertag is same.
Need 1 34s to go flawless in trails must be a good sniper and have last word or thorn must have gone flawless before this weekend and be experienced and did not get carried to flawless message for invite
At gatekeeper CP on hard GT Pleasured Joe
Need 3 for normal crota fresh
Edited by I NINE I: 7/13/2015 2:06:53 PMsure gt is the same as my user name
Hard crota cp. need 5 message capnfattywhale for invite
hard fresh crota-33+ Message MrsLoonyPenguin for inv:]
Need 4 for fresh vog hard.msg ATLfan420 for inv
[u][b]Stop Wasting Time Posting & Searching The Forums.[/b][/u] Lord of the Raids [LOTR] Welcomes You To The Xbox Destiny Raid Finder. [b]Xbox One Raid Finder [X1RF][/b] "The Official Xbox One Destiny Raid Finder" http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/619636 [b]Xbox 360 Raid Finder [X3RF][/b] "The Official Xbox 360 Destiny Raid Finder" http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/544299 [b]Become a part of the alliance![/b] - Exclusive Xbox Matchmaking (PvE & PvP) - Prison of Elders - Crota's End & Vault Of Glass Raids - Trials Of Osiris & Iron Banner - Daily Story / Weekly Heroic Strike / Nightfall - 25,000+ Members/Followers - Clan Membership Available [b]Host or Join A Raid Today.[/b]
Need people for hard CROTA fresh Preferably experienced players but I don't mind if your not because I'm not either. Gt: theBlooded76 Message for invite
Need 2 for 34 PoE. Hat same as above
Need 2 for nightfall Gamertag same as above Half way threw it
Hard VoG from gatekeeper. Have good weapons against oracles! Lv 33+ Gt: xBruno666
Fresh normal Crota message GT JordH06
Need 3 for hard Crota msg for invite