originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
Hosting Poe 32. Msg for invite
Lf1m trying to go flawless on Trails message for invite. 34 only
Hosting Poe 32. Msg for invite
Looking for three for vog
Need four and sword bearer for Croat hard fresh 32+ and must have good rocket launcher msg on xbox gt same as above
Looking to do fresh vog hard msg for inv
CROTA hard cp. need a sword bearer please.lvl 34 only. Same as above must have mic
FaZe Devpry
XBOX 360- Looking for anyone wanting to help out with a fresh Hard Vault of Glass, I need 5 players. If you're in let me know! leave me a reply or shoot me a message on XBL. Hope to see u here!
[u][b]Stop Wasting Time Posting & Searching The Forums.[/u] Lord of the Raids Welcomes You To The Xbox Destiny Raid Finder. Become a part of the alliance today![/b] [b]Xbox One Raid Finder [X1RF][/b] "The Official Xbox One Destiny Raid Finder" http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/619636 [b]Xbox 360 Raid Finder [X3RF][/b] "The Official Xbox 360 Destiny Raid Finder" http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/544299 - Exclusive Xbox Matchmaking. - Prison of Elders - Crota's End & Vault Of Glass Raids. - Trials Of Osiris & Iron Banner - Daily Story / Weekly Heroic Strike / Nightfall - 25,000+ Members/Followers - Clan Membership Available. [b]Host or Join A Raid Today.[/b]
34 warlock looking for fresh CE on hard Invite gt as above. No gally but have ice Please know what ur doing
Hosting fresh hard VOG Need 4 more Level 30+ Gt xBeastman35
POE LV 32 lv 32 sunslinger warlock, with mic GT deadlypandaz669 msg me for invite or invite me :-)
lvl 34 Warlock, need 2 for 35 PoE with Max gally. Reply for invite
I need four people vault of glass normal level 26 and higher xbox 360
Crota hard at Crota need 5 and a good sb
Need 4 more for crotas end raid hard msg me for invite gt same as username fresh run
Doing CROTA normal then hard. Need a sword bearer for hard 34. Same as above. Need a mic
Doing Crotas end on normal and I have Crota cp need 5 with good rocket launchers
VoG hard fresh
Normal corta Gt same as above
Finishing VOG normal (at atheon) THEN DOING HARD VOG FRESH. Lvl 30+ please have mic. Same as above
Need 5 people lvl 33+ hard VOG fresh must know how to use the relic msg same GT as above for inv
Fresh norm vog looking for 5
I'll join
Looking for 2 for thorn xyor bounty step seriously need some help msg me via XBL for an invite