originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
Anybody looking to do VoG on 360 leave a Gt and find a team :)
294 hunter looking to do nightfall, please be 290+, need to run once more after if youre in to go twice
Need Athlon cp on Xbox 360. Message killazone8795 if you you want me to join or if you have it.
Nightfall 295+ Mic
ToM fears embrace I need help!!! Gt AGC twitch
2 for sisters 300+ mic is needed and must know what to do msg gamer tag above for inv
Need people for oryx raid gt same as above
Lf 2 more guardians for Deathsinger cp and oryx fight.Must have completed the raid before,must be 295+ light.Msg:MLGpeanutbutter
Edited by LordMojoBaby: 10/19/2015 3:30:24 PMI need 4 people to run the Kings fall raid on Xbox one I'll accept anyone!!!
I'm feeling nostalgic. I haven't beaten VoG on hardmode yet. It will be easy to begin with. Msg me for invite. Gt is the same
Looking for 4 for Oryx. Must me 290+ and experienced. Message HawtButta for invite
Need a Titan with experience weapons of light at oryx cp msg inaviii for inv 295+
Light lvl 300 warlock with mic, black spindle and experience looking for people light 298+ with experience for the kings fall raid. So if you are interested add me. GT:THEGUYILOSTTO Gorgorath CP -must have a mic -must have experience - must be 298 + - must be friendly and have patience Xbox 360
Oryx CP! Need 5 people who have beat Oryx already! Please be 297+ light. Message Xfallenangls9X for invite!
Need 4 people's for oryx CP. must have a mic and have experience. Message for invite.
Looking to do glyphs light lvl 295+ looking for 1 more
Need 2 for NF. Message GT: sinodnA
Can't get in the raid? Are you new to raids? Lack of experience they say? And if you do get in the raid, do you get kick out the team because you are not good or no experience? Don't want to be on a hard core raid team? If you answered YES to any of this questions then this is for YOU! Light lvl 297+ warlock with all subclasses unlock and max out looking for 5 people 290 and above who has never done kings fall raid and would like to do it for the first time. So if you are interested add me. GT: THEGUYILOSTTO Fresh run! - Must be first time doing kings fall - Must have a mic - Must have patiences - must be 290 light and above - Must be friendly, team player and willing to listen to others Xbox 360
Kings fall Lf 2 Sisters cp
Need 5 for Kings fall raid daughters cp. No kids under the age of 18.
Need 5 for Kings fall raid daughters cp. No kids under the age of 18.
Fears embrace Gt same
Need 1 290+ who knows what to do @ sisters gt Mr Wright On
Lfg fresh kings fall, my light lvl is 299 sun singer with fast Rez, looking to join not host Gt same as above
Need 3 people. Xbox 360. Gt z Jerryii z msg for inv 290+light
Looking for 4 to do kings fall raid from daughters cp. Messages my gamertag for an invite. - Link My Zelda